Retro Gaming
Welcome to Retro Gaming on
The place to come to discuss and share your passion for older games.
A note about community engagement
It’s great you’re here and (hopefully) subscribed to the community. As Lemmy’s popularity is rapidly growing user engagement is stubbornly very low. 95% - 99% of users on Lemmy are lurkers. That is users that read and maybe upvote but tend not to comment or create new posts.
You are welcome to create a new post on this community as long it as it doesn’t break the rules.
Have a question, want to start a discussion, share a meme, share something you’ve created, share a news article or anything else you feel is relevant to the topic of the community please feel free to create a new post.
We’re a friendly bunch here and I and I’m sure lots of other people would be interested in what you have to share.
The majority of posts here are created by me in an attempt to build the community. I’m not going to stop posting but eventually I’ll run out of things to say.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading your posts.
Main instance rules apply plus…
All posts must be about retro games or consoles
For the purposes of posting here retro is anything from the PlayStation 2/Xbox/GameCube generation and older.
No piracy
Absolutely no discussion about piracy or jailbreaking/modding systems that will allow pirated games to be played. Emulation is ok as long as you own the games.