Red Dead Redemption 2 made me bawl my eyes out.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Rimworld - Randy Rough
I may be a bit late to the party but The last of us 1&2 had a pretty emotional impact on me. The game is pretty brutal, in every meaning, but the overall experience and story telling is hard to top.
I highly recommend to not get spoiled and play it in order of release!
God of War: Ragnarok got me close to bawling. Father son moments always get me in movies and games, and this was one of the best.
I still need to play the first (rebooted) one. Also I game on PC, so I gotta wait for Sony to give the OK to the devs to port it over like they did woth the first one.
If you've ever experienced grief, then Gris. I still listen to the beautiful soundtrack regularly
Disco Elysium shattered me half a dozen times. Two moments in particular made me step away from my desk and go on a walk. It's the best-written game I've ever played.
Firewatch. Gorgeous, emotionally honest game that wrings you out.
Inside. More of a stressful, cathartic cry, but it applies.
Mass Effect 3 - but only if you play the first two. Incredible story that beats you over the head with yearning .
Ghost Trick is a very twisty game, but a few of the twists had me tearing up.