The subject is copyright infringement. Do try to keep up.
Agreed. There's no footage used from BR2049 or even a cheap simulation of it in his promotion. And you can't trademark simply saying the words, "Blade Runner."
"Butters! Are you looking at 3D gravitational hyperbolic topography?"
"No Dad! Just looking at porn!"
Advertisers abused the hell out of us back in the early days of the Internet and we haven't forgotten. Multiple Pop-ups, pop-unders and seizure-inducing banner ads.
If they simply stuck with small, basic, non-flashing banners, I could have handled it. But greed knows no limits with advertisers.
Microsoft Linux.
I would be grateful for shorter waiting times in their "emergency" department.
The point of an RPG, especially one that involves shooting is you let the player pick their own moral take on how to play the game. You don't choose FOR them.
Put real consequences in the game if the players choices actually matter. Don't nerf the game mechanics for no reason.
I'm guessing that once these bots have farmed enough karma, their owners will sell them to other people who will use them for advertising or propaganda.
"Also, do you really NEED to sleep?"
Soon to be followed by getting a write-up for breaking down crying in your vehicle due to stress and shitty wages.
There is nothing in Musks presentation that infringes copyright. You're an idiot.