[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 16 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

This is fundamentaly a liberal conception of the world, that the solution to everything is to just have the right people in charge. The constant regeneration of capitalism is not born out of some individuals conscious will. It is ideological, structural, etc.

Conceptually you've jettisoned the very idea of class struggle, you've interalized defeat to such a degree that revolution is preemptively liquidated, and in its place put forward the same blathe utopianism that has been repudiated for hundreds of years. I will give you things though, you are correct to not tail this or that power, but by no means are you a Communist.

To think that millions of people of this world bled, toiled, and dedicated their lives under the sky of a Communist horizon, in the name of revolution, could be swept away in just a few sentences in an internet comment is not just a horror of its inadequacy to capture the experience of the world proletarian revolutions of the past, but it is pure arrogance!!

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 16 points 3 weeks ago

IMT renamed itself

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 23 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

The linked message:

"English pages:

Eye on Palestine: https://t.me/eyeonpal  Samidoun Network: https://t.me/samidounnetwork The Cradle: https://t.me/thecradlemedia Hezbollah Military media (English): https://t.me/mmirlb Ali Resistance channel: https://t.me/resistance_channel Qassam Brigades and Saraya Al-Quds mirror channels: https://t.me/resistmirror1

Arabic pages: 

Al-Mayadeen: https://t.me/almayadeen New Press: https://t.me/newpress1 Palestine Today: https://t.me/paltoday_tv Al-Manar correspondent Ali Shoeib: https://t.me/alichoeib1970 Younes Zaatari: https://t.me/youneszaatari Hezbollah Military Media: https://t.me/C_Military1 Quds News Network: https://t.me/QudsN Al-Carmel: https://t.me/alqarmel Commission of Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners: https://t.me/commission_of_detaineesaffairs Prisoners' Club: https://t.me/ppsmo Palestinian Ministry of Health: https://t.me/palmoh Palestinian Ministry of Interior: https://t.me/moigovps

If you are on Android, you may download this official local version of the Telegram application to bypass restrictions on some resistance channels that have been banned by the Google Play and iOS App Stores. It will automatically update as Telegram releases new updates.

For those who don't speak Arabic, be sure to turn on translations: Settings -> Language"

So i guess you can bypass the censorship by getting the telegram apk from outside of the google play store (F-Droid for example)

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 47 points 1 month ago


The PKK released over 1 hour of footage recently of their operations from the last year or so, including the helmêt (hêlmet, or helmet? IDK) operation in which a fortified position of the Turkish army was completely overran.

An interesting things to note is the technology the PKK has gotten fairly recently. They have drones, IR night vision thingymajiggs, and more modern rifles instead of ancient surplus AKs. Yes they were capable of shooting down helicopters in the past, but to me it nevertheless looks like they have drastically increased their technological capacity.

Also mountainous combat looks like hell on earth. I have no idea how they do it.

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 22 points 2 months ago

So you think it's an invalid concept because of a moral judgement of the Bourgeois state's legal system? Does not your invokation of the 'black market' belie your point? That the criminal has an objectively different relation to production than the proletariate?

Also you know what concept could only be thought up by some educated German theorist? That the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. What postmodern nonsense!

Beyond the particulars I think you need to go back to the very basics. What's class? Proletariate? What makes the proletariate a revolutionary class? What's meant by it having 'radical chains'? Finally, what's Marxism? Is it just a perscriptive lens?

Anemia of theory will be the death of us all...

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 5 points 2 months ago

"CR, LF, CRLF? Why can't we just have a universal line ending character? rage-cry"

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 12 points 2 months ago

Those are hashed passwords. None of this is really immediately useful information as far as I can tell... The bulk of the data is automated stuff from WP plugins like spam filtering and such.

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 13 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

No. My criteria for for things happening is if everyone knows about it regardless of news reporting. A chatgpt generated headline summarizing a supreme court decision is not.

Isn't that the sentiment behind 'weeks where decades happen?' The momentous weeks that come out of nowhere, changing everything, and their seemingly innocuous build-up over the decades prior?

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 10 points 2 months ago

I've wholeheartedly become one of those 'boycott the elections!' people recently. Obviously getting progressives elected isn't the goal--I would hope this is a starting point most would agree with here--, but neither is it good strategy to say we'll win reforms by creating powerful working-class organizations. I'll go even further and say that the shame-faced agnosticism of saying that election are wholly irrelevant misses the point in that the farcical nature of Bourgeois democracy behooves us to put this fact forward as primary. We don't ignore elections because everybody knows politics is a shame, a rich mans game, and so on, as although this may be true we understand our 'democracy' itself is a tool of class oppression by the Bourgeoisie. Therefore, we dont posit more working-class representation in government, we posit the dictatorship of the proletariate instead. We understand that all consessions, and reforms won through popular struggle are meant to bury the contradiction driving class-struggle, to quash popular discontent by channeling it through safe, legal avenues. The state legalized unions because the alternative was killing your boss. The state became 'democratic' because the alternative was overthrowing your government.

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 14 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

That's exactly what liberals are going to do if Biden gets couped by the DNC. They are going to pin everything on him.

Ole genocide joe did a genocide, but not us! We quitely resisted, untill we had to take such drastic actions after all else failed--we're heros really. Oh, you think [bad policy] is bad? Well that was all Biden actually. We wash our blood-soaked hands clean with the Great Man theory rag.

[-] Pavlichenko_Fan_Club@hexbear.net 33 points 2 months ago

By bringing the site down the admins caused a coup in Bolivia! This is a load bearing internet forum damnit!


The logic of monopoly capital and imperialism as it operates in the global semiconductor business.
Some key takeaways:

"The great contradiction that they face is the fact that for every major chip firm, the Chinese semiconductor industry also constitutes a huge market, often a bigger customer than any other. Hence, Washington and the U.S. chip industry are caught between trying to limit the Chinese industry and maintaining trade relations."

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"U.S. strategists have been earnestly arguing for a scorched earth policy in Taiwan, meaning that the United States should seriously consider destroying TSMC plants in case of a credible threat from China, in order to prevent the Chinese from wresting control over production"

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