Personally, I think it's part of the petty-bourgeois delusion that a person can become part of the capitalist elite instead of realizing that they have more in common with the working class.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by KrupskayaPraxis@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

I am a member of the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions, or FNV, and they are not that progressive. They include the police union and don't make a stand for Palestine. They have made a statement today as a reaction to calls to kick the police union out of the federation. These calls came after police violence against pro-Palestine supporters. The leader of FNV defended the police union in his statement. I think the union has an important place in the fight against capitalism before, during and after the revolution. So when the union is compromised, it means it will be harder for change to happen. I do have hope for the union, but how can you exactly help bring back the revolutionary spirit and ideals?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by yogthos@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

The notion that Biden represents a lesser evil compared to the chaotic reign of Trump is a common argument. However, we must not forget that there exists a moral threshold below which neither choice is acceptable. To suggest that enabling a literal genocide can be considered a lesser evil is a morally bankrupt stance.

Saying that voting for Biden is a moral obligation to prevent the return of Trump perpetuates a dangerous fallacy. It implies that the democratic party is immune from scrutiny and accountability, no matter the atrocities they commit. This line of thinking allows for a never-ending cycle of justification, as long as there's somebody considered worse, the democrats are granted a blank check. This is nothing more than a form of gaslighting, manipulating the public into believing that their only choice is between two evils, rather than demanding a better standard of leadership and true representation.


Most of the people I'm around are reactionaries and every -ism especially my whole family. Talking to people on lemmygrad is somewhat good but i am craving physical interaction pretty strongly.


also punch drunk is scary as hell


It's needless to say that climate change is a very scary topic that is a lot to handle. There are a lot of very bleak predictions, and even optimistic predictions will significantly disrupt humanity for at least some time.

What are your tips on how I (and many others) can cope with this?

(P.S. It's like I make a new post every day, isn't it?)

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by VictimOfAmerikkka@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

So ive got a perma ban on reddit, every new account I make gets banned immediately.

After some research I think its a device id ban. So my plan is to wait a couple weeks until my provider gives me a new IP adress, then I will backup my important stuff and do a factory reset on my phone and then create a new account on a fresh email address. is there an easier way?


Iโ€™d say infrastructure and devices worsened by planned obsolescence. gaming and media in general has by somewhat worsened by capitalism encouraging endless greed.


I see the appeal of being a conspiracy theorist. Sometimes a social trend is so bonkers or out there that you have to believe that it's completely artificial and being pushed by some shadowy group. But reality, I've found, is much more simplistic.

It's that time again, where Rings of Power is getting it's second season and Tolkien fans the world over (on social media at least) are pissed off about it. They swear up and down that anyone who likes it is either a shill or a fool because the alternative is too horrifying to comprehend. I'm not into ROP myself, because I'm not giving Amazon Prime a fucking dime of my money after being ripped off last time, but I've observed the fanbase and it feels natural to me. Plenty of fanart, fanfictions, character studies, the works. RoP has all the hallmarks of something people would be into. It's an adapatation of a popular fantasy series, it has a colorful cast of characters, beautiful men and women, and Orcs. Who doesn't love orcs? This is exactly how Game of Thrones and The Hobbit got off the ground back in the Tumblr days.

Another example is Velma, which got a second season. Twitter was alight with instructions begging people not to "hatewatch" and just let it rot. Then it became one of the streamed shows. At that point, I have to ask: Is it more believable that 10s of thousands of people watched Velma just to make mean reddit posts about it, or that a lot of people just wanted to watch Velma? Velma's a really funny case because it's not a great show, it's like 3/5 but the hate is so exaggerated and manufactured that you'd never know it. If you google it right now, you'll see thousands and thousands of 1-star reviews made by people who just did what they were told.

So to conclude, modern society really needs to grow up and stop thinking everything popular that got a bad video essay review is a scheme.


I think it could be because unhealthy food that can cause obesity is more addictive and therefore more profitable.


I am looking to get a job in the PC assembly industry (yes, servicing gamers) but I need some advice in applying for the job, specifically resumes, what rights do I have, what red flags to spot, and how to prepare for it.

One of my biggest considerations is that all jobs here somehow require a degree.

Any leading lights? (lemmygrad.ml)

Any "maoists-third worldists" here? I don't wanna waste my time with people who can't do a basic class analysis. Let's leave this juche hoxha shithole.


@comradeship The quintessential fediverse microblogging experience is creating an account only to immediately encounter an anti-communist radlib that you have to talk to like an infant.

That's it. That's the post.


I usually just have oatmeal and nuts and fruit ๐ŸŒ for breakfast . I then have pasta and chicken ๐Ÿ— or salmon ๐Ÿฃ or pbjs. For dinner I have pasta or rice with chicken or salmon ๐Ÿฃ.


All because I said that beating down peaceful protesters isn't nice. I swear to God Western people are unhinged.

Socialism in Sudan (lemmygrad.ml)

Was Sudan a socialist nation at any point in time, especially after the coup by Jaafar Muhammad Nimeiry?

IT or software dev? (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by hongdao@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

I'm a little over half done my CS degree. I love programming, Linux, etc. I am considering getting CompTIA A+ and Linux+ this summer with pirated Udemy courses. I do coding projects too, like I am almost done my homebrew NDS game, threw together a Tkinter pomodoro app last week, and in the past I made a command line program that computes a readability score on a body of text. Finally, I am participating in 100 days of leetcode problems together with my CS club. So I've done a lot to move towards coding professionally.

The question is what kind of career should I go for to suite my goals in life. I would like to be able to own a place to live in Quebec (don't live there yet) whether it is in MTL or a rural area, not sure what I want yet. So software dev. gets a point for higher income, I think, plus it's what I've studied for, mostly. But it's important to me too that I have free time outside of work and so can participate in social movements. Would working in helpdesk allow a better or worse WLB? Would it be more likely to be unionized and thus a better place from which to participate in tech labour struggle? I'd really like to achieve fluency in French and Chinese (currently a beginner and intermediate learner respectively) eventually, and maybe the IT world would have me talk to people more. Is it easier to break into than software, like, so much easier that it would be worth changing course, or just doing IT as a stepping stone for my first co-op (internship program in Canada) or two?

Interested in others thoughts on how to proceed here.

For the meantime I think I'll start the A+ course because it can't hurt, and keep working on my DS game, cuz it's almost done.

I don't even know if I want to do either of those professions, I could see myself teaching English too, to Francophones and Chinese especially as I want to learn those languages...

Watches (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by BRINGit34@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

What sort of watches do you guys wear?

I'm currently using the seagull 1963. It's a Chinese made watch that was ordered into production by the government. So this is a legit commie watch. Plus it's pretty

Seagull 1963 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Seagull_1963.jpg

edit: fixed broken link

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by soekarnoenjoyer@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Out of all the Anti-Chinese/Falun Gong Cult Youtube content, David Zhang is the most that has been shown in that Site, Why is this guy keep appearing on my feed man ?!

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