I was a far-right lunatic until about 2009, when I started turning left. I have read many (center-)leftist articles from Jacobin, Common Dreams, The Guardian, and, from Brazil, Carta Capital and IHU (Catholic liberation theology).
Lemmy (despite my suboptimal instance) and communist friends got me interested in actual Marxism, but I have not yet really studied it. So please recommend:
- The best Marxist Lemmy instance for my background.
- Marxist books or videos in approximate reading/watching order. For the next many months (I suspect six months) I will have very little time, though.
- reasonable tolerance of Catholic faith and individual morality
- contextualized on Brazil, Cuba, broader Latin America or China
Background: Brazilian Catholic male autistic ADHD IT analyst with an electronic engineering degree and MsC in computer science. I have a son with my wife. I highly value privacy and software freedom. I read English well, but Spanish quite poorly. Native Portuguese speaker.
EDIT: I got a lemmygrad account. I am still processing the other recommendations.
hexbear is kind of general leftism (anarchist, marxist leninist) with a good amount of shitposting, lemmygrad has more staunchly marxist Leninist
lemmygrad has a wiki with all the reading lists this is the absolute beginner
dessaline the creator of lemmy has a bunch of audiobooks and stuff if you prefer that instead
i think i have bumped into a couple brazilians on lemmy, when i spoke about how Christianity influences us (article written by a famous Brazilian marxist leninist)
there is probably a brazillian communist discord i can link if you're interested i think they have a whole section with streamers and eductional stuff. i heard about it through the deprogram podcast
not familiar with that dialect so you will have to navigate it on your own
Hi! This is the OP, now with a lemmygrad account. I thank you for your recommendations but I think the following URL is wrong:
It is a thread about Android restrictions for banking apps.
hi i do not know why it redirects to that. the url is correct on my end. the post is called "Why are leftist spaces always sabotaging themselves?"
where i drop a comment, and the original poster (felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml) reveals himself to be same country of the author of the text i posted; Brazil
article in question
article in audiobook form by dessalines
Thank you. I now read the correct post, and layer will read the article by Jones Manoel.