There's a billboard on my way to work that says this and it just makes me think of all the different ways to deface a billboard.
I don't even know what it's supposed to be advertising because it pisses me off so much.
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There's a billboard on my way to work that says this and it just makes me think of all the different ways to deface a billboard.
I don't even know what it's supposed to be advertising because it pisses me off so much.
I imagine the advertising space
It imagines you back
I'll imagine it harder
i don't know bout anybody else, but when i think about the advertising space i touch myself
You know some sad act will take it off though.
Eh, it will probably be someone that's paid to do it. Most won't care enough.
The tape might just be there to hold it while the glue sets. At least that's what I woulda done.
And then they can try, but it'll be a bit.
This is the most polite way to block an ad at a bus stop.
The way the 2020s are going, we are not about to get any legislation to rid us of the scourge that are billboards, so for the most part, I have to agree.
Ah good ole Melbourne, never change.