Object Orientated Programming Structured query language (OOPS-ql).
For non-techies, SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to interact with databases and is often pronounced as sequel.
Was the first thing that came to mind looking at this.
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Object Orientated Programming Structured query language (OOPS-ql).
For non-techies, SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to interact with databases and is often pronounced as sequel.
Was the first thing that came to mind looking at this.
Fuck it
OOPs your SQL
Select.new(table: "Users").columns(*)
often incorrectly pronounced as sequel.
imma be real i had no idea SQL and OOP were connected in any way. so this is nice to learn
ORM's are the bridge between the two.
pondering the ORM
This would be stupid if it came from a real dev, but I think it’s very funny that it didn’t
u can blame me randomly coming across OOP acronym on wiki. and I have to make it OOPS
Dude, you're practically a senior!
So there's this inventions called stackoverflow.com - it's where all the great ideas are...
yay applying for senior role at microsoft ! (i quit after a day horrified from the code)
Wow - Holy non-consensual blast from the past batman!
It isn't sequel it's S-Q-L and it isn't "Gooey" it's G-U-I
When you're a programmer, but also a dad...