If a community isn’t safe for trans people, it’s not safe for anyone. The mob just hasn’t gotten around to abuse you yet.
Meta (lemm.ee)
lemm.ee Meta
This is a community for discussion about this particular Lemmy instance.
News and updates about lemm.ee will be posted here, so if that's something that interests you, make sure to subscribe!
- Support requests belong in !support
- Only posts about topics directly related to lemm.ee are allowed
- If you don't have anything constructive to add, then do not post/comment here. Low effort memes, trolling, etc is not allowed.
- If you are from another instance, you may participate in discussions, but remain respectful. Realize that your comments will inevitably be associated with your instance by many lemm.ee users.
If you're a Discord user, you can also join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/XM9nZwUn9K
Discord is only a back-up channel, !meta@lemm.ee will always be the main place for lemm.ee communications.
If you need help with anything, please post in !support instead.
Maybe sports shouldn't be the barometer for who gets to particiate in society? Sports are the most acceptable right to strip away from a group, as the right to play a sport isn't a civil/human right, its particiation in a game. Conpetition is the secondary motivation compared to the primary motivation that people like social games where they can roughhouse.
For a country that loves sports so much people really are being two faced snakes pretending not to grasp the significance of that. No sports today, back of the bus tomorrow. We don't want to play games with you = We don't see you as human.
OK that's the last straw for me. I am willing to give the benefit of a doubt to people, but this is the third strike for this person. So I've asked them to move their comm to another instance as they don't align with our instance values.