Worst words heard today: reset has reset to the last head that was pushed to remote
Goodbye three local commits, I’ll miss you
Worst words heard today: reset has reset to the last head that was pushed to remote
Goodbye three local commits, I’ll miss you
git reflog
! It gives the history of commits that your HEAD
has previously pointed at.
If a rebase goes bad, you can fish out your old HEAD
and recover your pre-rebase state.
When I have zero faith in myself I'm not above copying the whole committed file and pasting it.in a dm to myself in slack.
Sometimes you're in a rush and it's good to look after yourself lol.
Also reflog, but the void is calling for code.
Next: Unit tests failed
git diff ...
No differences
Git and ostree
I hear ya. I used to be an engineer on an MMO and worked on the patching system. We had to rebase periodically and it was always nice to see it be successful. Lol