Wow I thought almost no one else used connect, 3rd place?
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I've been through a few but Summit is my current go-to.
I've used all the ones on the poll, but Boost takes the cake.
Memmy, or Remmel would be what I use. But how do I find my Instance link?
It was Bean, but it seems development has either stopped or slowed drastically. Now I’m back and forth between Thunder and Voyager.
Used to use liftoff, but since it doesn't appear to be maintained rn I'm on boost. Really liking it so far!
I have like five apps. Voyager is the one I use most. Second is eternity, third is connect. Jerboa is ok, but it always has some small issues.
If you’re on iOS and haven’t tried Lemma, it’s pretty nice. I was on Voyager, then Avelon, then back to Memmy, but I have to say Lemma is my overall favorite right now.
Memmy. Works fine for me.