uBlock Origin
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
uBlock Origin
Ublock Origin Dark Reader Proton Pass Zotero Betterfox UserJS
the ones that I actively use: Rotate and Zoom Image; Image extract; SVG Export; Simple mass downloader; PassLok Image Steganography; Color Changer; Save Screenshot; Behind the Overlay Revival
those that work in the background: Redirect AMP to HTML; Chameleon; JPEG XL Viewer; + the usual blockers & security
Ublock Origin, Privacy Badger, LocalCDN, Multi Account Container and Dark Reader.
I often want to reopen a tab i recently closed, so this is very handy for me.
On the fly rule-based Spelling check. Works very good and in many languages. And the best: It's Open Source.
Uses the Firefox Tab-Container Fwature, to lock those companies in Tab-Groups just with themselves. I don't use Tab-Groups aside of that, so it comes in handy.
Firefox Translate
(Not really an extention, but still nice) Firefox Gnome Theme, for my personal machines and Firefox UI Fix for the machines at work to make Firefox look more at home on Linux and Windows.
Swisscows search engine, can't live without it
Anyone here use AdNauseam?
I do! Though I'm not sure how well it works since I also use uBlock and have a Pihole on my network lol
Either use AdNauseam or Ublock origin, not both at the same time. PiHole is fine tho.
I see a lot of the same addons here, as one would reasonably expect, but I'm surprised there's been no mention of uMatrix. Using uMatrix and denying most elements by default, you can manually allow scripts, media, etc. per domain and save those rules for pages you go to often. It gives you more granular control than simply choosing to allow/deny all third-party scripts, and you can see exactly what's going on under the hood.
I used uMatrix for many years, that is until it was retired. Raymond Hill no longer maintains/updates the addon and the github was archived in July 2021. There are some forks but none appear to be in active development. Just be aware the version of uMatrix on addons.mozilla.org is now 2 years old and may not be blocking everything it claims to be.
uBlock Origin of course and Malwarebytes Browser Guard (because I'm fortunate enough to have one of those coveted lifetime keys)
The ones I am unable to use a browser without:
Nice to haves:
I used to have plugins for reddit (like RES and old reddit redirect), but won't need them anymore.