These are the same people who say if you shit on someone you get shat on back. And I 100% agree, you use free speech to spread bigotry, I use free speech to call you out so we're even.
Everything related to print comics (comic books, graphic novels, and strips) and web comics. Artists are encouraged to post their own work. News and media for adaptations based on comic books are welcome.
God, my friend asked me to come to a bar we used to hang out with almost 20 years ago. I still knew a lot of people who still hang out there, which was kinda sad tbh. Suddenly i was alone on a table with 3 people that i only kinda knew, and i don't drink, so i was the only sober one there. They talked about how everything sucks and they can't say anything anymore and they would've been "cancelled" if they still talked like they talked 15 years ago. I was kinda fed up after some time and asked what they can't say anymore, because i feel like i can say whatever i want all the time. No one said shit, except: you know, things and stuff. So i kept going: it's racism, right? You want to be racist and don't like the pushback. It's so pathetic, i almost felt vad for these assholes.
Yeah. Basically KKKaillous