I remember when we used to get bullied in school for liking anime.
I'm actually glad to see people being more accepting. Anime needs some more "normal" fans outside of Japan.
Sadly, there's a reason people thought it was weird and bullied the Naruto-running nerds. Now, more and more people are liking it. That means it's more socially acceptable and there should be less bullying. At least, that's my hope.
I mean, the people wearing the Naruto headbands and stuff like they're normal clothes probably should still be bullied a little bit. Maybe not as far as back in my day, but definitely don't be encouraging that. I like anime but that's not normal nor should it be normal. Its like chuuni disease for non-Japanese middleschoolers that are in high school or something, stop it.
But I also am happy to see it is less looked down on, like gaming.
should still be bullied a little bit. Maybe not as far as back in my day, but definitely don't be encouraging that. I like anime but that's not normal nor should it be normal
Why? Is it because they are different from others? Surely them doing their own thing don't hurt you personally.
Yeah, dumb take to say people should be bullied for wearing a headband. I live near a big city and see all kinds of people wearing all kinds of things, a Naruto headband would never standout. It's nice seeing people expressing what they're comfortable in, as long as it's not obscene.
Plus there's dripruto.
What? Why? Maybe you should be bullied a little bit.
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