The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/DesperateGame on 2024-08-30 10:18:11.


Mozilla Firefox provides "Max Security DNS" option, where it allows only Cloudfare/NextDNS/Custom(???) to be used.

Technically speaking, would it be safer (for privacy) to use Mullvad's own DNS service, or can I rely on NextDNS while having the same level of security (considering I "trust" these other DNS providers)?

I noticed that using Cloudfare/NextDNS results in "DNS leak detected" warning on the Mullvard's site ("Check Leaks" section), but the DNS is still set to the location according to the used VPN server. What to make of this? - I would assume it is to be expected and the DNS is still secure, but I can't be sure.

I'd appreciate any input. Thank you for any answers!

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/dakid01 on 2024-08-29 17:09:43.

Hey folks,

I have a question about setting up Mullvad VPN on my Asus router. I have Mullvad subscription, but the problem I have is that all the instructions on Mullvad page are done with Open WRT firmware, meaning you have to flash your router. I don't really want to do that as the original firmware on Asus supports VPN. Does anyone have the instructions on how to set up Mullvad on the original Asus firmware and make sure that if the mullvad server is offline it doesn't bypass VPN.

I was able to set up OpenVPN server under VPN Fusion tab and then created a VPN wifi Network under Guest Network Pro tab. That seems to work, but I just want to make sure this is the correct way. When I go to mullvad page on this wi-fi it say it is connected through mullvad. But I can't for the life of me create a connection through mullvad wireguard server. Mullvad doesn't offer a setup file with wireguard server, just a code and I don't understand how to set up wireguard connection without a file on Asus firmware.

I'll really appreciate if someone can point me to the right direction. I am quite a noob at this.


The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Cadaver_46 on 2024-08-29 00:32:50.


I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, or if r/qBittorrent is more appropriate, but I have a query:

Is there a way for qBittorrent to recognise when I'm using Mullvad VPN when it is being used as a Client VPN for my TP-Link Router? Hence, if I'm not on my network (on which I'm automatically always on a VPN) or using Mullvad outside the network, it wont allow any traffic / leaks?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/carelessparanoid on 2024-08-28 18:28:29.

Hey everyone,

I recently switched to using Mullvad VPN on my Mac, but I noticed something different compared to other VPN apps I’ve used, like Mullvad over Wireguard app or NordVPN app. With other VPN apps, I could see the VPN profile or network filter directly in the macOS Network Settings, allowing for direct monitoring, management and “on demand” connection.

However, with Mullvad app, it seems like the VPN doesn’t appear there at all. This is a bit confusing because I was expecting it to show up in the same way. Is there a specific reason why Mullvad’s VPN app doesn’t create a profile in the Network Settings like other VPNs do? Is this related to how Mullvad handles VPN connections or some macOS-specific behavior?

Additionally, I’ve noticed that when I have Mullvad VPN active, iCloud Private Relay displays a message saying that the software installed on the machine is incompatible. This doesn’t happen when I use other VPNs apps. Does anyone know why Mullvad app specifically triggers this incompatibility warning with iCloud Private Relay? (I really don’t care about it but I noticed it)

I’m running MacOS Sonoma on a MacBook with M3 chip.

I’d love to hear from others who have experienced this or anyone who might know the technical details behind it.


The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Mettbroetchen-Tester on 2024-08-28 11:30:33.

Is it just my perception that Mullvad users get locked out from more and more sites or services?

For some time I got an extra captcha on some sites. Even though it was a bit annoying it was acceptable.

Since a few weeks my experience changed dramatically. I still get some captchas but an increasing number of sites return an error 403 now as soon as Mullvad is active. As soon as I turn off Mullvad everything works again.

My main goal to use a VPN permanently was to circumvent the behavior tracking for advertising purposes my mobile network provider introduced a while ago.

If a growing number of sites blocks VPN users now the whole idea becomes somewhat useless.

Did you experience similar issues with Mullvad lately?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/i_declare_cookies on 2024-08-27 22:43:09.

basically if the traffic in tunnel remains encrypted and there is a strict not log policy in place by Mullvad covering the rented server racks too, than why this feature was removed?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/MullvadNew on 2024-08-27 08:26:39.

2 new Peru servers from provider "DataPacket" (Rented - 10 Gbps) hosted in Lima have been added to the Wireguard list.

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/DEVIL_S1NGH on 2024-08-27 05:44:24.

Next DNS is working fine on the TV but I wanted to switch to Mullvad but it wouldn't connect. It's working fine on my phone though.

mullvad streaming service (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Least_Front3433 on 2024-08-27 00:21:41.

since mullvad doesnt give you the option to turn off the kill switch. how do i turn off mullvad so i can watch my streaming services? I used to just quit or turn off but my freaking internet access is cut now...

turn off mullvad (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Least_Front3433 on 2024-08-27 00:20:29.

since mullvad doesnt give you the option to turn off the kill switch. how do i turn off mullvad so i can watch my streaming services? I used to just quit or turn off but my freaking internet access is cut now...

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/hittinondorky on 2024-08-26 16:42:20.

This happened after my macbook updated to sonoma os. I am unsure if it has to do with Mullvad, or if it has to do with the DNS servers on my OS or something else. I get error messages like

"This site can’t be reached

kroger.com’s server IP address could not be found.


  • Checking the connection
  • Checking the proxy, firewall, and Secure DNS configuration


or something to the tune of "this website isn't working, try again later"

I am hopeless with computers. Any advice?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/DesperateGame on 2024-08-26 15:01:05.

I had my PC running for multiple hours today without issues.

I decided to connect to my MullvadVPN (through multi-hop), when I noticed that every 2 minutes my AV(Kaspersky) detected a DoS attack coming from a IP6 address.

What should I make of this?

Is it possible the IP of the VPN was targeted by a DoS attack and my AV picked up on it?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/itsrosey-22 on 2024-08-26 07:14:33.

I want to start seeding torrents, but since port forwarding was removed, how can I still seed torrents?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Tea_Spartan on 2024-08-26 07:08:16.
Unprompted location changing (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/StrollinShroom on 2024-08-26 00:16:58.

Hi! I just started using Mullvad this week. One odd thing I’ve noticed on both my phone and PC is that the app seems to change location/servers sporadically. Is this normal behavior for the app? It always stays within the same country but bounces from server to server.

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Moguno on 2024-08-25 18:08:23.

I can't be alone in having noticed increasingly more CAPTCHAs and services blocking access in the recent year. I've been using M since about 2016 and I don't know if it's due to AI or something in recent years, but a lot of websites have become almost unusable.

I understand Google is a horrible company and should be avoided at all costs. But they are everywhere on the web. I don't use Google Search much these days or any of their services, other than YouTube. But even on YouTube I've started getting CAPTCHAs just by loading the website. I've never had that issue before! Just now, I literally just typed in the YouTube website URL and had to make a CAPTCHA.

And not only that, I have to keep solving them for 2-3 minutes these days. Even though I get them all correct, it keeps bullying me and force-feeds me with more CAPTCHAs. And the problem is that a lot of websites implement the reCAPTCHA service on their website, making it incredibly frustrating.

On top of that, I've seen an increase in number of websites straight up blocking M from accessing it. Even Reddit now requires me to sign in. It started a few months ago and back then I could just switch server. But now pretty much every M server in Europe requires me to sign in to Reddit to use it. I mainly just browse without signing in. I never post (except this time).

I only use servers Owned by M, and in Europe. But ever since about 1.5 to 2 years ago it's been getting more frustrating using it. The worst thing is the damn CAPTCHAs. I don't know how many I had to solve in the last year and I feel like this is law suit territory. Every CAPTCHA that is solved improves Google Maps and their AI. It's basically free labor for them. But no person should have to solve 20+ CAPTCHA in a row. I'm not kidding. For the most part it's around 10, but sometimes 20-30. And especially the slow ones that keep fading images for 7 seconds. I'm wasting time.

The issue is all the websites using reCAPTCHA and Google services on their website. But they are normies and they will never ever change. So what the f am I supposed to do now? Is there any way to just bypass reCAPTCHA without any hassle. I just want to browse the web, read an article or watch a video sometimes.

I will be shocked if anyone even sees this post. I keep getting the red banner on Reddit ("We have encountered an error") and we all know what that means (shadowban).

Using: Debian 12, M Browser (not a single change, just straight out the box) and a M-owned server in Europe.

Account Suspended (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/swampyjim on 2024-08-25 16:12:39.

Since using mullvad I've had 2 account suspensions from X.com, I haven't done anything to deserve it so all I can think is that the mullvad IPs must be flagged. Is this common? I've used different IPs during this process but I'm using the same one consistently I'm not hopping.

Currently working in China? (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/Careful-Memory2560 on 2024-08-25 14:59:24.

Is mullvad currently functioning in China (from anyone there right now)?? I just got told it’s not working there currently after I just bought it. I also have Let’s VPN with mullvad as my backup, but now I’m thinking I should get Another backup (as I’m an online worker and can’t have any problems).

Estonia issues (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/rustyoswin on 2024-08-25 13:55:06.

I’ve been a Mullvad user for 2 years now and personally I’ve never had any problems. However, this week I’ve been having issues being connected, on all my devices, on to the Estonian server. Every time I want to watch any video on YouTube I get a “please sign in to confirm you are not a bot” and cannot continue. This happens on all browsers I use too The only way I can get round this is to switch to UK (some others may work but UK was the first I tried which worked). Does anyone know why it’s doing this and if there’s a fix/way round?

FYI, I have no google accounts so unable to login

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/doolittlesy on 2024-08-25 07:17:29.

My computer I set and forget and have had very few problems, but on my phone i find myself constantly, like multiple times an hour changing locations, sometomes ill get lucky and not need to change it for a few hours, but then I'll be watching youtube and it stops loading and I know I need to change it again. Any suggestions for things to tweak?

MULLVAD VPN for Samsung TV (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/AcrobaticPotrato on 2024-08-24 22:35:37.

Hello guys,

This is the model of the TV 43" Class QLED 4K Q60C | Samsung US or one very similar.

I tried looking for Mullvad in the App section but nothing showed up.

I've seen this post from a couple of years ago and there was no solution.

Samsung Tv : r/mullvadvpn (reddit.com)

Has there been any advancements since?


The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/GolfProfessional9085 on 2024-08-24 12:45:07.

SOLVED It was as simple as trying other servers. I falsely assumed I needed to use the ones in UA.

I am new to Mullvad after moving away from Surfshark when my subscription ends.

I mostly used Surfshark for access to https://www.uz.gov.ua/en/ and it worked fine. I can’t access it with Mullvad.

When checking my ip connections they both appear to be using routing through https://www.datacamp.co.uk to a rented server in Kyiv.

What am I missing here, why would it not work for this use?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/acidbahia on 2024-08-24 09:26:28.

Is Mullvad a good choice for you ? Or are you disappointed or not completely satisfied ?

The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/brainrot_award on 2024-08-24 03:10:26.

DoH on firefox seems to be working just fine. However, when I set it as my PC's DNS servers, I lose all internet connection. This happened suddenly a few months ago and since then I was unable to use Mullvad DNS. Tested it on 2 of my machines.

Will monero still work? (zerobytes.monster)
The original post: /r/mullvadvpn by /u/CompetitionTrue3029 on 2024-08-23 18:14:42.

I saw this the other day and it doesn't look good.


Reading the actual document, all I'm seeing is restrictions on exchanges and crowd funding stuff.

Will this affect businesses like mullvad?

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