r/unixsocks on fediverse
About r/unixsocks on fediverse:
Unixporn + ThighHighs
1.Thigh high socks
All non-meme pictures must contain a human wearing thigh high socks.
2.Unix-like OS
All non-meme pictures must contain a device running a unix-like OS. Android and WSL are not permitted.
3.Hate Speech
No Bigotry, Cissexism, Transphobia , Homophobia, Enbyphobia (anti Non-Binary Gender), Anti-ND (Anti-Neurodiversity), Sexism, Racism, etc. Non-compliance with this rule will result in a ban. The ban may be revoked after a plead.
4.NSFW flag
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unixsocks in elsewhere
Fediverse :
- Matrix:
Link: https://matrix.to/#/#unixsocks:matrix.org
Backup link: https://matrix.to/#/#unixsocks:exkc.moe
- XMPP (linked to matrix):
Main Room: #unixsocks-general#the-apothecary.club@matrix.org
Gamyer Room: #unixsocks-gayming#the-apothecary.club@matrix.org
Shitpost Room: #unixsocks-dumpsterfire#the-apothecary.club@matrix.org
Big tech social media :
- Discord (linked to matrix):
link: https://discord.gg/NVKeRwaMmW
- Reddit (Dead):
link: https://reddit.com/r/unixsocks/
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Could you please specify what makes these shoes autism shoes
It's more of a vibe but I'd say it's cat 1 or cat 2 per the image guide:
They’re vans pros o.o
Ah well that's actually pretty cool then. They don't look like any vans I've seen actually, I usually assume those types are like reeboks or adidas
I'd love to collab or somethin, I don't think my dm's went thru so im jus tryin to figure out how we can message >.<
DW I got it and replied!
yay! it's nine_11 >.< for my dsc
Ty, sent request!