Firefox's Profiles get a huge upgrade with easier Profile Creation, Switching and Customization
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
That's unfortunate, I was hoping for a 'workspaces' like feature as in Opera. I run FF and Opera simultaneaously to segregate my tabs. It would be really nice if we could get something like that extended to profiles, so I could just run FF
Do you mean containers? At least it sounds like it.
The last time I looked at containers I think it was an add-on, but I don't think (and please correct me if I'm wrong), it filtered or made active the current viewable tabs.
In Opera there's an icon list on the left and depending on which one is selected those are the only tabs displayed, and/or made active. I'll take another look at FF containers.
Someone mentioned 'about:profiles' above, I think that may be closer to what I'm looking for, maybe that combined with containers can reduce my foot print to just Firefox, thanks for the suggestion
I think you might be looking for tab groups? Which, incidentally, are also coming.