this post was submitted on 23 Feb 2025
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A lot of people seem to be confused so to clear up: They haven't broken encryption. They are phishing using malicious QR codes.

Russia-backed hacking groups have developed techniques to compromise encrypted messaging services, including Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram, placing journalists, politicians and activists of interest to the Russian intelligence service at potential risk.

Google Threat Intelligence Group disclosed today that Russia-backed hackers had stepped up attacks on Signal Messenger accounts to access sensitive government and military communications relating to the war in Ukraine.

Analysts predict it is only a matter of time before Russia starts deploying hacking techniques against non-military Signal users and users of other encrypted messaging services, including WhatsApp and Telegram.

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[–] 13 points 2 days ago

Security is only as good as it's weakest link, which is almost always the end user. These attacks do not compromise Signal the protocol (e.g seeing in-flight data), they are focusing on hijacking account information to gain access.