Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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God I hate Epic. I hate them with every fiber of my being. The fact that I have to have their crappy, insecure game store bloatware just to try to learn Unreal for personal projects is dumb. Hence why I am learning Unity and Godot.
As a long time Unity user, Unity sucks ass. All of the good things about unity are the things they bought like cinemachine and textmesh pro.
Unity technologies can't for the life of them make a damn decision and stick with it. As a result, Unity has a decade plus of technical bloat and debt that can never be fully paid because of the need for backwards compatibility.
Oh, I know. I headed a major project which involved usurping the root level of geometry in the Unity engine and injecting massive amounts of data into it and we actually found some major flaws in their underlying logic which only would come up when you hit the levels of throughput that we were dealing with. Getting them to admit to the fault was pulling teeth, but they did fix it once they were confronted live with the issue. So that's good on them at least. But that aside, the project went well and the tool at the other end is nothing short of incredible. I'd still rather work in Unity than Unreal for most of the types of projects I tend to do.
Same. They killed unreal tournament as well. Mutual funds and corporate entities need not exist.
It's such a bummer fortnite happened when it did... they pulled everyone with multiple PvP shooter experience off the UT4 team and killed the project.
I don't know that I'd take a moral stand against epic and for unity https://www.gamedeveloper.com/culture/why-is-unity-s-merger-with-ironsource-angering-developers
Don't forget https://www.crytek.com/ is still around too and still making CryEngine (there were some bad years where they were struggling to pay people, but they seem to be in a good place again). Lots of work going on behind the scenes to improve this engine for Crysis 4 and Hunt Showdown from what I understand.
There's also the (heavily modified at this point) cryengine derived https://o3de.org/.
I played a game for like 2 hours and 30ish minutes, 30 minutes longer than their allowed refund window because I forgot to close it when I went to the bathroom after deciding I didn't want to keep playing, and my buddy who played with me had like 2 hours and 14 minutes.
They accepted his refund request no problem and denied mine even after I got a supervisor involved.
I will never ever use their service again, they can keep my $70 but they'll never get another dime. Fuck em and their bribery of game developers.
So, you don't like Epic because they didn't offer a refund beyond the refund window? Idk man, I don't like them for many reasons but this seems a bit off
I don't like that they inconsistently enforce the 2 hour window. The reasons I don't like Epic include a lot more than just this one situation, but it sure enforced my opinion of them. I see how you can boil down my anecdote to your version, though.
I mean, he was <15 minutes off the cutoff, you were 30 minutes. It's not unusual for there to be a little bit of leeway with these things. If you both played exactly like 2:15 and one of you got a refund and the other didn't then I'd say yeah you're justified in being outraged, but as it stands... you're mad because they were did your friend a solid and made an exception and not you; which just seems like a selfish take ... be happy either of you got cut a break.
They did more than they said they would, not as much as you wanted them to do.
Damn yall really out here simping for Epic, of all companies?
If you think that's what this is about, you're missing the point. You can have a bad take and the company can still be a bad company.