Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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Say what you will about epic, but this is compelling as hell for Devs. Hopefully this puts more pressure on Steam to reduce their cut. Competition is good.
If you're so against epic, have a little patience and wait until it comes to steam 6 months later. That's what I'll be doing. But don't just mindlessly shit in epic because you (as a consumer) don't like their business model intended to attract devs. You can dislike something while also recognising the good in it.
My view is that it incentiveses exclusives in the PC space, as opposed to lowering Steam's charge for their services. My biggest concern for gaming is that we end up just like streaming services. A bunch of exclusives and a marketplace that is such a mess you can barely find what service has what you want.
It's a fair concern, but I don't think anything has remained exclusive on epic, they all come to Steam eventually. If that changes and epic starts incentivising permanent exclusivity, then I'll be upset. But as it is right now, I have no issues with epic.
I know so many people call those situations a "mess", but I'm still in favor of it: Each potential service option keeps the other in check through competition. I only get to use so many streaming services for so cheap because they're lowering their prices in a bid to seem more appealing than the others. When it comes to game stores, their unique features (like say, Xbox's game pass) can make them more compelling.
Granted, 90% of that last argument has just been "Steam has Xfeature, and YStore doesn't...so I prefer Steam"
I'm not so sure, this seems like a less compelling deal than what Epic was offering before, which didn't seem to be working out so well for devs.
Before, they were outright paying for exclusivity, offering studios and publishers huge sums of money to make up for the revenue they lose by not being on Steam, and then some. And they often paid for 12+ months of exclusivity. You were guaranteed profitability regardless of whether or not your game actually succeeded.
In order to break even in the new program, your game needs to retain 70% of the customers that would have bought it day 1 on Steam instead. That seems an impossibly high target to hit, given how much Epic has struggled to make EGS succeed even when they were thowing a lot more money around.
I never truly understood the hate for epic. They've made some of the best games of all time, give away 1-2 games for free every single week, and they ensure that most annoying kids are in fortnite and not games that adults want to play. Oh noooo. You have to open a separate launcher to play your video game! The horror!
No review system for games, no return policy, no community tabs or markets, no appear offline mode, they allow shitcoins and nfts on their platform, forcing their launcher onto games they own (Rocket League that launches through Epic but I bought it on Steam), collecting a metric fuckton of user data and input, and finally very close connections with Tencent. Sure i'm missing a bunch more.
Did they ever add a shopping cart? That was the reason I never bought games from them.
There is shopping cart.
..I only use it to add two free games to cart and "buying" them with one click 🤷
One more thing - really annoying how if you click a game in the sidebar it launches it instead of going to the game in your library. It'd be fine to have a smaller launch button in the same space, but having the whole thing do it is not very intuitive.
Origin and Ubisoft launchers are starting as well on their games
In your comment you admit you don't know, and then end your comment with an out of touch assumption. Good job.
Yeah, if that launcher is not so suck ass at what it does that I have to resort to Heroic Launcher. Not to mention some of the games on Epic just... weird, like Epic Skyrim doesn't work with SKSE