Gallo-Roman dodecahedron, purpose unknown, 150 AD-400 AD
Post pictures of things that look like something that it's not. Or sounds like something else. Or smells like something else. This subreddit is for things that unintentionally look like something else.
It's reasonable to find a YouTube video of a couple making a mood color changing toilet seat, but the idea of an ancient maker fabricating some thing just because they can is straight up unthinkable.
It's not unimaginable but you need to take in account that the YouTube couple has plethora of free time compared to people in societies with less division of work, infrastucture, home appliances and last but not least access to ressources.
Also the mood toilet seat generates clicks and attention which are perhaps the main motivation behind such a nonsense project.
But maybe you're right and I'm just to negative.
I see, YouTube, but have you considered https://www.amazon.com/Decoration-Ceramic-Abstract-Hollow-Bedroom/dp/B0BJKN8S2S/ref=mp_s_a_1_43_maf_2?crid=2GB77OHJP05MT&keywords=weird+decorations+abstract&qid=1696970682&sprefix=weird+decorations+abstract%2Caps%2C609&sr=8-43 ?