So it's it better to upgrade to 11 now or still stay with 10?
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Stay with 10.
I have to use 11 for work and it sucks. The change to the right click menu is the best reason not to change.
Whit this thing you can get back to the 10 version of the annoying changes if you have to use 11: https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher/wiki old rightclick, old taskbar, etc...
Sadly last time I messed with that stuff on my work win 11 machine it broke some compliance and virtualisation features of 11 and I had to get my system reimaged.
I used it last time a year ago, and it worked for me, but I just needed some minor things, I'm ok with changes usually if they are sane, I can get used to it. Making a convoluted right click menu more sane is a good goal, hiding most of the items semirandomly is a bad solution.
I used wsl2 back than a lot, and didn't mess up anything for me.
Does it let you set a vertical taskbar? I've been using StartAllBack for this and a few other things, but it's non-free.
Winutil by chris titus + rufus for flashing the image with local account.
Winutil can even remove Edge using some cool script. Then tweak performance and upgrades, debloat with Bulk Crap uninstaller, install 7zip, VLC, Some more and you are done.