this post was submitted on 02 Nov 2023
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[–] 17 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The thing about Live Action Adaptations of an Animated Work is an Obscure Hollywood loophole where you don't have to pay anybody involved in the originals any royalties.

I forget the exact Court Case but a couple decades ago the courts decided that the live action remake and the animated film it was based on were too different to warrant royalties, even in the case of 1 to 1 scene recreations.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

I don't want them to get royalties, I want an end to this madness.

Good to know I don't have to feel bad for refusing to watch live action adaptations of cartoons or comics I like though! Draw it or GTFO!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah they are very clearly, barely disguised cash grabs for the studio and execs only to show a higher profit on a film that won't actually make record highs anymore.

You could tell it from basically just the CGI quality getting worse and worse.

There are super expensive actors and execs that need to get paid and consistent low effort movies with huge budgets can hide that and cheaper production costs leave more to go back as profit for shareholders which is funny enough the same people.

Nothing new for investors to grab hold of and not enough money back, it's like capitalism hit a ceiling and is squeezing itself to death.