What's the current state of LGBT rights in China?
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Every culture deals with these issues in their own way. We should not expect that sexual and gender liberation will look the same in all parts of the world. In some instances the main reason why this liberation is now needed is because of patriarchal norms imposed by European colonizers. In order to liberate themselves they do not need to emulate the West's historical path but rather to go through a process of cultural decolonization drawing upon the progressive elements in their own traditions.
And keep in mind, not all aspects of the 1960s sexual liberation in the West were good...the normalization of pornography for instance happened during that time. There were quite a few aspects of the 1960s counterculture movement that were less than desirable from a Marxist viewpoint. Some of the more harmful ones like excessive drug use were deliberately pushed and encouraged by Cointelpro in order to subvert revolutionary groups and divert the energies of the youth into avenues that are non-threatening to the bourgeois state.
The CIA was also behind quite a few of the more popular "radical" media (magazines, etc.), artists and intellectuals of the time.
Well it's better you have liberation one way or the other. Instead of that we have rapes and sexual harassment of women and underage age due to frustrated males and lack of sexual education and free dating culture. What we have is a rigid caste based system and marriage, most people lose their virginity by marriage.