I always thought apt and apt-get is the same thing so why type more when you can less?
But then again, I'm a linux noob that only uses distros like Ubuntu.
I also like the software center thing in Ubuntu because of GUI and... um... why do I see a bunch of people with pitchforks?
apt is a newer tool that combines the functionality of apt-get and apt-cache. It’s not as backwards compatible but has a nicer more human readable output
apt is a wrapper of a wrapper for dpkg.
That's like dnf is a wrapper for yum which is a wrapper for rpm.
I always thought apt and apt-get is the same thing so why type more when you can less?
But then again, I'm a linux noob that only uses distros like Ubuntu.
I also like the software center thing in Ubuntu because of GUI and... um... why do I see a bunch of people with pitchforks?
apt is a newer tool that combines the functionality of apt-get and apt-cache. It’s not as backwards compatible but has a nicer more human readable output
apt is a wrapper of a wrapper for dpkg.
That's like dnf is a wrapper for yum which is a wrapper for rpm.