Thoughts on this book?
Thoughts on The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit?
I might watch The Rings of Power but I've heard mixed things on it. What do you all think of it?
Mostly though: I'm hoping that some people here can expand on what I'm reading so far.
'Cause honestly, I do like what I'm reading, I do, and that's because I genuinely like the mythological tone that the world-building takes. And Numenor as an "Atlantis" is a fine way to do things, but honestly, I doubt they'll be able to do much with it in whatever Amazon property they decide to make of it (which, I mean, is fine). I wonder if there are other shows or serials besides The Rings of Power that are coming out? Either way: I really like the beginning and how everything started with music and song.
Your thoughts?
Yeah, I heard... pretty bad things about the Amazon show.
And while I heard that it might be good here and there, the people that thought it was "fine" were the minority, and the quality never went above "fine" in their book.
Yeah, I'd say it's not worth watching lol