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Late Stage Capitalism
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A fall from greatness is inevitable and I'm afraid that the fall of America, with all of her hubris, is going to be spectacularly bloody and unpleasant for everyone. :(
Been an American in America for 4 decades. From my perspective American decline is undeniable. It is simple fact.
Largely because we can't connect the dots and accept that we should be focusing on the class war, not the culture war, because that's the root of the problem. A lot of the hate and ignorance in America comes from desperation. We're desperate because we aren't losing, we've lost, a class war.
In my opinion the election that just happened was the nail in the coffin. We came together and the majority of us decided to let our oligarchs assume total control. It was a signal to them that they're good to be open about it now, too.
RIP to the middle class.
Well said. We have indeed lost. Perhaps we can wipe the slate clean and start anew. I fear even if we did that though, there's enough of the population that would prefer the old way that something better could never come to fruition.
Perhaps we can wipe the slate clean and start anew.
History indicates that to do so will require a lot of time, violence, and death. And without a plan in place for what comes afterwards, we'd just end up with another shitty system.
They say Rome wasn’t built in a day. But also overlook that the Roman empire didn’t fall in a day either. It was a very gradual process.
So the real question is, if the US were to fall, would it be a quick or gradual process?
Gradual and ongoing since at least 1980.
It already fell, so I guess the real question is how long it takes for people to realize it.
The three branches of government are wholly owned by the triad of evangelicals, Moscow, and a billionaire, they don't have any intention of following the law or constitution, and won't give up power. America is dead.
go on. keep making your jokes and memes.
if you think the rich fuckheads are going to stop at America you're fooling yourself.
Oh I have no illusions they ever intend to stop. They'll take and take until the world is burning into ash.
like the parasites they truly are.
You are mistaken, you are witnessing the fall of the US republic. At the same time you are seeing the rise of an empire.
Jeez, even resignation is grandiose for Americans.
I mean it's true. It'll be an empire because we have a ton of firepower and aggression. It'll just be an evil empire.
Sorry world. I didn't vote for the orange dipshit and his enablers.
The orange dipshit is just masks off. The real harm is has been done under the current liberal administration. The rest of the world already has no expectations for conservatives but now liberals too.
Chris Hayes: Biden is leaving a ‘disgraceful legacy’ on Gaza
Rush by west to back Israel erodes developing countries’ support for Ukraine
Still a pale imitation of the British, they had a real empire. America had Puerto Rico and Guam .
This is how liberty dies. With thunderous applaus.
Sometimes I wonder if George Lucas had been a better writer how things might have been different.
Maybe if he had done a better job, perhaps it would have done nothing because some dumb movie plot doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things... or maybe it would have help to shift our culture just a bit more in the right direction... The prequel trilogy was meant to basically mirror the fall of the Weimar Republic to the 3rd Reich. You can't tell me the "Execute Order 66" montage was not inspired by old "shlankily klankily's" Night of Long Knives.
By the time he was making the prequels, George was basically God to anyone in his orbit. He no longer had anyone there to tell him "no" anymore, nor his awesome wife to save him in the editing bay, so we ended up with Jar Jar and...
It might sound silly at first, but Gore only lost by the tiniest of margins (and a garbage conservative Supreme Court decision). If even only a few minds had been changed, maybe there would have been no 9/11, no "war on terror" with Iraq and Afghanistan, no Patriot Act, and maybe real mitigations on climate change could have been instituted.
One of my favorite comedians said "The Star Wars prequels were great ideas... executed poorly... but the sequels were poor ideas... executed greatly."
If even only a few minds had been changed, maybe there would have been no 9/11
9/11 had nothing to do with GWB and everything with the US has already done to that point. Clinton’s policies that lead to the death of 500,000 children in Iraq for example
The smallest alterations can change the world.
If the bullet had been an inch to the right we wouldn't be about to give the reins of our nation to an anti-democratic felon rapist.
9/11 was happening . It was driven by the happenings in Afghanistan not the us. Basically the northern alliance was gaining ground hard and consistent against the tailiban.
Ahmad Massoud would have been assassinated regardless . September 9th was the day the taliban won. It just took 2 decades of hindsight to see that.
Oh fuck! You might be right 😯
It can't end soon enough for me. It needs to die.
Classic trolly problem. 350 million of us vs 8 billion of everyone else.
Easy math.
if it wasn't for the fact that Europe F'ed around for 20 years and disarmed, leaving itself vulnerable right around the same time Russia decided to go on a Russkiy Mir-redraw the world maps and kill everyone who resists adventure. I would have been indifferent to it. the never ending lunacy of the US has left me with the belief that it should be broken up into different states. Its clear they hate themselves and each other.
Alas, World War II was for nothing, Fascism is back with a vengeance, it started in 2022 with Russia, and it's entering a new stage in America.