Dansup had having a meltdown for six hours over third party apps
I'm at least somewhat understand the 196 drama, but who is this why is he melting and what those apps are 3rd party to???
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Dansup had having a meltdown for six hours over third party apps
I'm at least somewhat understand the 196 drama, but who is this why is he melting and what those apps are 3rd party to???
I'm not familiar with the drama itself, but dansup is the creator of both Pixelfed and Loops.video.
Probably people complaining his app PixelFed isn't working well. I tried it yesterday and it's not ready for usage yet. Unless it was just the server I was on. But launching a social media app without dark mode is fucking dumb so low-key annoyed dansup wants to suck his own dick while blinding me.
So he made a social site, with a public API for third-party apps, and wrote his own app for it because it needed one. The app he wrote in React Native, a framework that lets you use JavaScript to make an app for both iOS and Android which uses native elements and sort of feels like a native app made specifically for the platform (it’s going to be slower and laggier, but not as much as a web app wrapped in a web view). The app was lacking in fit and finish (one gets the impression that he’s not primarily a mobile developer), with things like dark mode missing and annoyances such as navigation being a bit wonky, as well as the usual React Native jank. It works, but doesn’t feel slick or polished, let alone like the shot over the bow of Instagram it’s touted at. Which is understandable, and hopefully it’ll improve with ongoing development.
Then someone takes advantage of the open API for third-party apps and writes a native client that feels slicker and more polished. Dan takes it as a personal insult and loses his shit.
Haha. I made an open source thing. Hey wait no. Not like that!!!
Lemmy had the same problems, mostly solved with some indexing and caching so far. It's gonna be fun when Lemmy needs to start partitioning and tiered storage, which it absolutely will when costs start to add up. Hosting an instance isn't getting cheaper
Yep. Was talking to a friend about setting up a team speak server when their new app drops but I'm not sure what the costs would look like for a stable server. Or if I could just run it on my local server.
I mean, that kinda goes against the self hosted ethos, but it'd probably run fine on Oracle always free.
Like, I host everything on my local server, but I've got symmetrical gigabit, and all my user (family, some friends) are on my tailscale network.
If your friends are willing to use tailscale, or something like that (you can do most of what tailscale does yourself, but that involves quite a bit of work), it'd be pretty easy to host at home. There are several ways to make whatever you host reachable from the public internet, but that usually makes everything a much bigger hassle.
My power costs for my server (Ryzen 5 3600, GT710, 16 GB RAM, 10TB storage) are usually 10-15€ a month, which is worth it to me. You could do a lot with a way lower spec CPU, but that's what I had lying around.
Where's the meltdown? I don't see any. And who is Dansup, anyway?
I posted what i could find screenshots of because he's deleted all of his six hour tantrum (as one should). Here's forensic evidence of the tantrum: https://community.nodebb.org/topic/7f9e8ac8-dbdd-4265-9606-8e5954f1255c/so-many-ppl-want-me-to-quit-or-otherwise-not-participate-in-the-fediverse.
Dansup is the only dev of both Pixelfed and loops.video because he does not not want to share the spotlight. On 12/09, Pixeldroid (a FOSS client) was released. Dansup took this as a personal insult, so when he released his own app he started attacking users of other clients (which were his fans)
My favourite thing is when you compare that to these earlier posts from him. Apparently you’re not allowed to criticise him unless you’ve made something for the fedi, but also if you HAVE and it involves his projects that’s bad too because he’s the only one who should be doing that.
I was just thinking: there has to be other screenshots of his meltdown, right? The one i found can't be the only one?
Tbh I don't want to cancel him or anything, his code is better than mine and on the whole he seems about as okayish as @db0. I dont think he's gonna go mad with power and pull an Elon with Pixelfed, and I think he's probably a good dude offline. Like, at worst I might accuse him of being a libertarian or an ancap. He's probably fine.
Pixelfed dev
And I'm left wondering why the hell my feed is like 40% 196 rule posts all of the sudden. Certainly have no idea what happened either