Having watched a Mentour Pilot video, I am an expert on plane crashes. The problem is that the part that's supposed to be on the top is now on the ground and that part on the bottom is now on top. You have to keep those in the right positions for a safe landing.
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New head of the FAA over here!
Fellow expert speaking: Their problem was that they should have been watching 74 Gear. He ends every single video with, "Until then, keep the blue side up." I'm honestly a little bit excited to see how he addresses it when he starts out the video about the time they forgot to keep the blue side up.
I have once seen half asleep an episode of Mayday. I can confirm that these two are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Until the plane touches ground it looks like a normal landing, crazy. So glad no one died.
It’s exactly what I hope happens in the US. Everyone survives, but the right wing explodes.
...be the change...
All three wheels touched down at the same time. Not supposed to happen like that.
That's why You don't unbuckle the seatbelt until the pilot says so.
Ugh. Yes, this. So many people unbuckle right after touchdown and struggle to keep balance when standing during taxi
I'm no air crash investigator, but I'm pretty sure someone turned off flight mode.
Is it me or has it suddenly started raining planes lately?
Just happens that Trump is "saving money" by firing air traffic control employees
Yeah, that's not very typical. l'd like to make that point.
The side fell off.
Well, there are a lot of these jets going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don't want people thinking that jets aren't safe.
Yeah but they do seem to be rolling over into unsafe territory a LOT more lately…..
I'm not saying it wasn't safe, it's just perhaps not quite as safe as some of the other ones.
Are you saying that isn't normal?
Well, I was thinking more about the other ones.
What other ones?
Well, some of them are built so that the wing doesn't fall off at all.
Well wasn’t this one built so that the wing wouldn’t fall off ?
Good thing this showed up in my feed as I'm waiting to board a plane. Wish me luck!
You alive bro?
Yeah. Been stuck at LAX for the past 6 hours waiting for my second flight. The first plane we boarded here had to be brought back for maintenance to deal with a "funny noise" coming from the landing gear. Bullet dodged successfully! So far...
It looks like this is being filmed from another aircraft (big pillar in the middle of the window). Why was this pilot filming, it seems like they'd see planes landing all the time so was there something special about the landing - bad weather perhaps ..
I think you're probably right.
Tricky landing in shitty weather. Just filming to share in group chat as in "look at this shitty weather we have to take off in". Something like that.
Some pilots just really love planes
The way the nose and tail jiggle when it hits the ground looks like a hard landing, but the glide slope isn’t that crazy. I’m betting it was a freak gust that stalled the right wing just after the flare, causing the right gear to collapse.
After what happened in Korea it seems incredibly lucky that everyone survived. Thank god there was no concrete wall this time.
I'm a layperson, but wasn't it kinda good that the plane seperated from the fuel-filled wings?
Adult planes don't normally shed their wings until the end of their life, or in rare cases as part of SALT negotiations
From what I remember the wing joint is one of the strongest on an aircraft being that’s where all the lift forces from the wing transfer to the fuselage. I remember watching wing stress tests and it was frightening how much that joint would flex before it failed. Of course it rolling like that is way more force. I also imagine there wasn’t a huge amount of fuel left if it was landing at the end of a normal flight. But yes I’d still say that was a good thing.
Little ding at the end of the video, pilot turns on the fasten seatbelt sign.