If they match donations, they are entitled to a tax break on their own donations.
The only issue with matching is that you don’t have a say in the charity. Do your homework. If it’s a legitimate charity, then it’s better to donate through a company that matches donations.
~~Progress bar~~ Dummy bar
I saw it the other way, with the question mark as the curl of his lip.
“There is no climate crisis and we are not in the midst of an energy transition either,” he said, adding that “the term carbon pollution is outrageous” because all life depended on carbon dioxide.
“There is no such thing as clean energy or dirty energy, all energy sources have impacts on the world both positive and negative,” he added.
Trump is setting up a race between climate change, pandemics, and world war.
Of course they are. I’m not criticizing the undocumented workers, but their two-faced employers and citizen coworkers.
I’m aware that only citizens can vote. I’m referring to the farm owners and workers (who are citizens) that overwhelmingly voted for Trump are now fighting to protect them from deportation. Did they only expect their competitors’ undocumented workers would be deported?
I’m not casting. More US farm counties voted for Trump than in his previous two elections.
Trump won 433/444 farm-dependent counties this election. That’s 97.5%.
The same farmworkers that voted for Trump in the first place?
Edit: I’m not referring to the undocumented workers, but their citizen peers and employers that are currently fighting to keep the undocumented workers from being deported.
The first big leap is from animal to human. The next transmission is the one we should really be concerned with, the transmission from human to human.
Between SCOTUS’s ruling on legal protests, and Kristi Noem’s appointment to DHS, I wish you luck.