Krasnov (Russian: Краснов) is a Russian family name, derived from the word krasota, a diminutive for krasa, "beauty".
So, Little Beauty. Seems like trustworthy source, though :rolleyes:
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Krasnov (Russian: Краснов) is a Russian family name, derived from the word krasota, a diminutive for krasa, "beauty".
So, Little Beauty. Seems like trustworthy source, though :rolleyes:
Even if this is true, which it probably isn't, the time to say something was 6 months ago, or 9 years ago.
At this point it wouldn't matter if Osama bin Laden came back from the dead and said Trump helped him plan 9/11.
He told Bin Laden to hit the WTC instead of Trump Tower.
This tracks.
Haha, I should've said he planned 9/11 so he'd have the tallest building.
Source is Facebook post?
I don’t think this is true, because Donnie would regularly be bragging about it.
It hurts because I want a believe.
I need to more about this. Where can I find more information. This is fascinating and explains why trumps ideas line up perfectly with Putins.