I dont want to grow a goatee though
Late Stage Capitalism
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Well that's too damn bad, you're gonna grow that goatee, it's going to be fabulous and you're going to like it or so help me I'll report you!
I grew one so that I can infiltrate enemy organizations.
Society has to collapse before we can get starfleet, so far we're still on track, even if a couple of things didn't happen (Reunification of Ireland) exactly the same.
I just need Emperor Kira and Georgio to have a 3some. Then it'll be alright.
God, Mirror Kira was a... Formative awakening for me at like 10. Might be responsible for some bad decisions later in life.
Kira in general might have been my first real celebrity crush. I just want strong petite women to be mean to me, is that so much to ask? 😭
What’s the one on the right?
It represents the Terran Empire in the Mirror Universe
Bizarro Starfleet
The real universe felt a lot like the mirror universe until the 2200s