Next Reddit will start banning you for upvoting anything about it.
Please share this document far and wide. People need to understand what's going on, to stop it.
Next Reddit will start banning you for upvoting anything about it.
Please share this document far and wide. People need to understand what's going on, to stop it.
Tech fascists see America’s democracy and financial system as collapsing.
That's because you're the one breaking it down
It's fascist city states that market themselves as tax free libertarian, likely hedonistic. Tech has little (maybe ultra deregulated healthcare) to do with anything other than billionaires who came from tech get to decide who is allowed in. This is a model in Israel and Arab kingdoms with less hedonism, but high slavery levels.
The US is definitely on path to collapse. Current administration is accelerating it. Gifting federal lands to become tax havens is setting it to 11.
Many of these tech bros also talk about an actual solution: Freedom dividends. High tax libertarianism with freedom for all. Power redistribution. Don't compete for jobs we can't do as well as China or robots. Or spend on/promote war. Freedom dividends ends crimes and makes fair labour markets. Fascism and slavery as the "libertarian utopian phoenix from ashes of US" is going to be straight mad max fascism and slavery instead of utopia.
Streisand effect: I had never heard of the “network state” until now. Uh, thanks for being such an asshole, Zuck!
I just found out like a week ago. Look up techno feudalism. Apparently these guys have been talking about it for a long time.
Curtis Yarvin is the guy peddling this shit and influencing these idiots
There's a whole video that blew up a couple weeks ago about this. Highly recommend you watch it.
Speedrunning to cp2077, starting with the corpo wars
Really I'd wager it's more Snow Crash myself, it's a book that most of these Silicon Valley guys would have grown up with.
Cyberpunk 2077 was just a continuation of Cyberpunk 2020, which came out before Snow Crash.
In reality, I think the tech bros pull from all sorts of media and don't restrict themselves to just one bible.
Pay no attention to the fascist behind the curtain.
The fascist in front of the curtain is loud enough already.
This man has a bunker and everything. He's scared shitless and he is ready to hide. Their assets need to be seized and accounts drained
That's not a joke, ALL these dudes have extensive doomsday prep. Secure facilities, staffed and stocked. There's a ton of reporting on it. They're gonna fare a LOT better than we are if shit gets really outta hand. Unless we do something about them before it gets to that point, anyway.
Edit: added a detail
They are going to get killed by their own militias
Imagine just letting him be in his bunker, but you park a cement truck on top of the door.
His bunker on a Hawaiian Island. Dude really wants to be far away from everything when shit pops off.
What I'm hearing is that after we overthrow the government and Destroy capitalism we have to dig him out of a bunker in Hawaii and put him on trial
dig him out of a bunker in Hawaii and put him on trial
Just weld the door closed. Problem solved.
I had never heard about the "Network State" concept before, but now I hate it, because Zuckerberg sure as hell loves it
Of course they are. They'll ban discussion of democracy next, and then voting.
And the fuck up samurai, we have new CEOs to [redacted]
That makes sense. I bet lobbyist play a big roll into that. Is it the lobbyists jobs that are bad or the way and the people who take the jobs are bad?
Pay no attention to the man-child behind the curtain.
Corporations can't even run corporations well. That's one of the lessons we should've took from 2008.
I've been reading a little about this concept and can't see how it would work in reality. Sure, the Feds could "set aside" some land for one of these assholes to set up a new city. But that area would still be under the concurrent jurisdiction of a state and county. And not even the Feds can exempt a city from a state's regulatory environment. In fact most of the things these billionaires are trying to get away from (labor laws, building codes, etc) are state regulations in the first place.
Frankly no billionaire is going to want to live in the middle of South Dakota, no matter how "free" it supposedly is.
Everyone seems to forget a bunch of tech bros bought almost $1B worth of land in Solano County CA with the stated goal of building a new city. It made national headlines for a bit as the buyer was initially a mystery and it’s near Travis Air Force base so there was concern it was foreign actors.
Rich people trying to buy land for their own slice of paradise goes way back. Solano County is recent history, young squire. I go back to the Free State project from 2001, same song and dance. Or the non-government wet dream of Sealand off the coast of England in 1987, ditto. And if one wants to go even more old school than that, look at the rich Confederate plantation owners that went to Brazil after the CSA fell in 1865. You can even go down to the town of Americana every year and celebrate the Confederacy! These fuckers wanted to deny that they lost so badly that they created a false reality in Brazil.
I believe the idea is that Trump is likely to sell our national parks to them.
That's the current conspiracy gossip I believe.
It won't be the Billionaires who have to live in places like South Dakota, it will be their workers/slaves who will.
Delete your facebook products.
If you know someone who works at facebook, try to convince them to leave.
If you see someone who's in a leadership position at Facebook bleeding out, perhaps after a car accident because their brakes were sabotaged, let them die.