De video was best interessant, maar miste ook een belangrijk punt dat "Thijs Metselaar" had gecomment: "You missed a massive diffrence in the educational system. In the US everyone is in the same class in high school. Meaning the smartest kids compete with the dumbest. In the netherlands everyone is put in classes based on how talented they are. Meaning All the smart kids are in VWO. Then HAVO then VMBO. Meaning the exams on VWO are far far more difficult then the ones on VMBO. So if you gett all 10/10's on VMBO that would mean getting 8/10's on Havo and 6/10's on VWO. The exams on VWO are far more difficult then the ones people get in American High schools since everyone has to do them. Not just the smartest kids. So people on VWO would get 95%'s on American exams. but only 60% on the exams they get here in the Netherlands."
Ik vond het wel relevant om die hier te delen.