So an organization that is dedicated to an impartial stance on protecting basic human rights for all is actively taking bribes on how to protect specific rights.
Another reminder that I do not matter. Another reminder that I'm not a real person. Another reminder that we are never listened to.
This organization is classified as a non-profit but it clearly cannot do its job impartially. Strip it of its status. However that will never happen. Why? Because people don't care about us queer folk unless it actively helps them. No one gave a shit about us until it became trendy to market rainbows everywhere. Even those companies backed down from backlash and stopped promoting pride stuff proving they never gave a flying fuck about supporting the community but by looking out for themselves and making money.
Once again we are being used and discarded to further the heteronormative horseshit of this hellish planet.
And if I have to hear one more fucking asshole say "Oh but its so easy for you gays to hook up" I'm going to beat them to death. It's only easy for us to hook up because we had to dispense with all dating and norms because if we did, y'all would have killed us 50 years ago. Hell, 20 years ago. Hell, today.
I am so tired man...