yay -Rd hyprwayland-scanner # (or -Rdd but danger ahead)
yay -S --asdeps hyprwayland-scanner-git
Thanks! That worked for me (I just used yay -Rd hyprwayland-scanner-debug aswell).
hyprwayland-scanner-git is also an AUR package, so pacman can't install that. You need to install it with some other means, like makepkg, yay, paru etc, before installing hyprland-git.
I tried installing it with yay. It's just that when I install it with yay, it gives me a conflict with the existing pacman package and asks me if I want to remove the pacman package. When I say yes, it gives me the above error, and when I say no, it doesn't let me install hyprland-git
Can you post the full output from the installation command? It must have given some other error at some point.
Nope, that was the only error. But I fixed it thanks to the comment above.
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