Lots of Kabru hate in this thread so far. I don't get it. He is an ambitious and goal-oriented person. He even has a noble goal of ending the dungeon's curse to prevent monsters from spilling out and killing people. He will see it done, no matter how many people he has to kill to make it happen! Wait...
I really like Kabru (maybe not as a friend though). He is a bit like an adventurer version of Sherlock Holmes. He seems to be extremely observant and has a lot of insight into people. However, he doesn't seem to have his version of Watson nearby to help act as his conscience. I am curious to know what the endgame he has in mind if/when he comes into contact with Laios's party. He doesn't seem like the type to simply want revenge for a perceived slight. I get the feeling there are machinations at work below the surface with his character that we don't have insight into yet.
As for the other members of his party, Kuro and Mickbell were fun. I laughed at her basically saying "OK Boomer" to the idea of Chilchuck. Also, Kuro is a good boy, a very loyal boy. It was a nice touch that he was simply confused while under the illusion. I assume its because what he was seeing was not matching up with what he was smelling. The last one I wanted to mention is Rinsha. I swore I recognized her voice, only to look it up and find out it was Megumin herself, Rie Takahashi. So, no wonder ~~Kazuma~~ Kabru wanted to prevent her from getting a spell off.
Finally, we got to see Shuro's new party. Seems like he went with a different plan to try to get to Falin, reuniting with his fellow countrymen. I am looking forward to seeing more of this group as they seem quite capable. Also, I am not sure how Shuro is going to react when he hears about everything that has happened with Laios's group while they were separated.
Edit: Forgot to mention that Dungeon Meshi had an exclusive interview with the mushroom monster that they published for April Fool's. It's in Japanese and I didn't have the patience/energy to work my way through it, but the pictures were funny.