Bold parking choice for someone with thin paint that's softer than my keys
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Capitalist problems require capitalist solutions (aka make them pay for being cunt / key their shit)
Check local laws about blocking sidewalks. You may be able to report them to a parking authority. Also, it may be illegal to have a hitch like that on the back while not actively towing (in some states in the USA it is).
Steal the hitch, OP. Remove it and throw it in that bin right there.
This is the UK, there are no regulations regarding parking on or blocking the pavement except in areas where it is specifically posted on signs (which are not super common). You could possibly use a different infraction if they were over the path and parkeds on zig zags for example but they'd be issuing for the zig zags and not the pavement.
It also looks like a supermarket car park which is private property therefore any of the rules based around parking dont really apply, only what they deem necessary to display and enforce. They only usually make any money from camera controlled entrance and exits enforcing maximum stays so that is all they'd ever enforce.
There is also no law regarding keeping the toe hitch attached to your car regardless of use or intent to use.
I don’t see why pickups are suddenly appearing in England lately, they’re so ugly.
If i could, for once, see one of those huge oversized pickup trucks in city streets loaded up to the brim with stuff in the back bed. But no. Those behemoths drive around just as they came out of shop: empty.
Obviously it's only to give self-inducted sense of importance to the driver if they move around in huge tank, sitting above everyone and sticking out on the parkinglot as biggest of all. As others said, overcompensating for various head-issues.
It's for attention. Some kids will do anything for attention, good or bad. Then they grow up and buy ridiculous vehicles to get that same rush they got when they were 7 and shat themselves at their friend's birthday party.
Likely a great way to overcompensate or something.
That should count as parking on the pavement violation imo
I don't know what the laws are like in the UK, but I would be surprised, if it did not. Governments don't build wide footpaths for the fun of it. They exist to allow parents with prams/strollers as well as folks in wheelchairs to pass. When someone blocks the path, no matter the acrobatics they undertake to not actually have wheels on the path, that still makes the path unusable for its intended purpose.
Where I live, if the vehicle doesn't fit inside the lines, it's illegally parked. Even if it's the mirrors/bumper/hitch.
So many people think "if my wheels are in the space it's ok" and it drives me insane
Where I live cars are like a natural creatures of the urban environment with their own will and can't be blamed. Stroller goes on the street very often because of it.
Even some people I know try to defend drivers who double park and block the bike parking when I complain about them.
This community is called "Fuck Cars", you don't have to censor the word asshole and wanker.
We're all adults here.
Man that truck bed looks useless.
It’s vestigial. It’s not meant to be used. It’s entirely so it looks truck-shaped to satisfy a user who has no need for an actual truck. In someways, I’m a fan of the design because at least it’s admitting that you don’t need to own a truck in a tiny way, but in that case, just have a reasonable vehicle.
Not just the pickup truck that is over the sidewalk.
There’s a car backed in that’s blocking just as much of as the truck, wonder why they posted one and not both.
It’s bad parking lot design if a vehicle parks with its tires touching the parking stops, and it blocks the sidewalk. Most cars front and back ends stick out a couple feet, this would be blocked by ANY vehicle doing that here.
You should be able to walk by and smash the tail lights. The truck is an obstacle in the way of a public walkway. If you are using the sidewalk appropriately, there should be no obstruction, and any damage that may occur would not have happened if the truck was not blocking a public walkway.
Violence is the only option left. We've been legally restricted from doing anything else.
Off topic but do people censor wankers? Is it that level of swear? I thought it was on the same level as "crap" where it's a crass word but not exactly vulgarity
Hmm, my impression was that it's mainly Australia, where they say it like it's a friendly morning greeting. UK folks certainly still say it, but it is deemed rude, and I could see some folks deciding to censor when writing it down, especially when it's used as a proper insult like here.
As an American, that’s not even a big truck anymore in my part of the country. That be considered a medium.
It’s awful.
That truck isn't remotely long enough to explain this.
As a londoner who hates cars, im not even bullshitting you I would have put that bin on top of the truck bed and carried on past
Tie a chain from the trailer hitch to the a fence post (note 'fence post' not fence chain) and leave about five or six feet of loose chain.
Most drivers (including myself) never bother to look at what their truck is attached to unless they were the ones who hitched a trailer to it themselves.
Lots of fun all around as they damage the fence and have to explain it or whip a chain to their tail end.
Leave the area and never return for about a month.
giggle at will
If a vehicle is too large to be parked safely, it shouldn't be permitted in regular spots.
Have a special parking area away from the building for these monster trucks.
Me in my wheelchair 👁️👄👁️
get a cow catcher attached to the front and just flip that fucker at high speed
I just scrap my keys on them at this point. I done dealing with car brain shit.
I dream about the day when the petro dollar crashes and fuckers that bought these things die in their house because they've never left their house on foot or bike before.
Sweet baby deity, I hate sidewalk blockers.
I had a bruise for months on my shin because some douche nozzle parked with a hitch sticking almost to the other side of the 4ft sidewalk.
If you can't park nicely inside the space, at least have the decency to walk your happy ass across the parking lot and park in the back.
You only need to specify if it's one of the other Londons.
That's a ford ranger, which is only a bit longer (~200mm) than a short wheel base Mercedes sprinter and significantly shorter (~1800mm) than the extended wheel base version
And here, they ticket people where the trailer hitch reaches into the pedestrian space...
These kind of trucks have their utility if you work in a trade and you need to get stuff in and out, or maybe do frequent tip runs as a business.
This never seems to be the case for where they're actually used, though. I've known one person use them as such, and they very quickly switched back to a transit van because it was "much cheaper to run, and simpler to park".
They're pretty shitty for most tradesmen who only need to carry tools. The beds are so high and deep it's annoying to lift toolboxes in and out. A van with a roof rack is way more useful.
a van with a roof can also hold a similar volume as the pickup can safely, while also being lockable, making it safer for the actual transport of said tools
I have discussed this with a friend of mine and have come to the conclusion there is only 2 cases these kind of trucks are needed, and even then i only accept one as valid. All the rest can be solved with a regular, european, work van like a fort transit or mercedes sprinter.
The cases?
Farmers that need to get heavy shit off and on the field quickly if they dont have a regular traktor ( which they do, but it might be malfunctioning ) and when you are handling a hot air balloon.
Thats it.
The rest work better with vans or trailers or both together...
Same here in Prague. When parallel parking, sometimes these cars are so fucking wide, that even tho there's more than enough space behind em, it's still impossible to navigate around their fat fucking ass, and by the time I'm finally behind it I'm at a 90 degrees.
Looking down the line, seems like multiple offenders.