All the others have great suggestions but I'd just like to add there many open source projects out there and given example code of how something is done and letting him play with it can be tremendously helpful. For example finding some simple 3d programs and lettting him change the source code to do whatever he wants or just giving him a template like which I made when I was first learning and letting him play with the values and add more objects.
Just use C. It solves all those problens given the most complicated feature is pointers and those hard aren't to understand.
It about a comic called "loss" where which has the same character positions as the rectangles.
Fuck, now you made me have a loss as well. I am like -900 points in The Game.
Thank you all for offering advice. I did eventually get it working and repaired all the packages.
Nevermind I ran a script that looped through all packages in the output of pacman -Qk and reinstalled them.
I couldn't figure out how to mount /dev/sda1 and did pacman -Syu and then I mounted it once I figured it out now pacman says there is nothing to do.
Did systemd or grub not even show up?
Will this work from slax linux? I am sorry if I seem like I can't fix the issue myself seeing as you have given the resources for me to do so but what would be the exact steps to do that?
Thanks I might try that out later.
There is a difference between steady and small.
I agree, unless you doing low level stuff where you need absolute control you should use a modern language with proper abstraction just to save time. Most use cases where they use C++ can be replaced with Rust or Go as they aren't saddled with years tech debt and bloat due to having mantaining backwards compatibility.