[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

The only console I ever spent a lot of time with was the NES, so I'm not at all native to the modern XBox / Play Station controller with its 166 buttons. But I know that some games are best with a controller, so I bought a Steam Controller and an XBox controller. I made it most of the way through Nier Automata with the Steam Controller, but I put the game down for some reason or another. I also gave Hades (what I think was) a good effort, but I never made it out and I stopped caring.
The only game I've completed with a controller is Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, which you really shouldn't play with m+k, if it's even possible. I'd never try to play an FPS with a controller.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 6 points 2 weeks ago

Lol, I still check out slashdot too - although it's usually a day late with news and the comments aren't anything special. Force of habit I guess.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 60 points 2 weeks ago

Wow, that takes me back. I used to prefer Anandtech to Ars Technica, Hot Hardware, Tom's Hardware, etc.
But I haven't visited any of them in like a decade, so I can see why they might be shutting down.


Basically every local service is accessed via a web interface, and every interface wants a username and password. Assuming none of these services are exposed to the internet, how much effort do you put into security here?
Personally, I didn't really think about it when I started. I make a half-assed effort at security where I don't use "admin" or anything obvious as the username, and I use a decent-but-not-industrial password - but I started reusing the u/p as the number of services I'm running grew. I have my browsers remember the u/ps.
Should one go farther than this? And if so, what's the threat model? Is there an easier way?

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

Masochism, paranoia.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

Another vote for Debian, and I'll suggest you go ahead and install Jellyfin directly rather than messing with Docker.
I'd been running JF under Docker on my NAS, but when I moved to a new server I decided to just install it directly and it hasn't been any problem at all. You'll get a notification when it needs to be updated and it's just a few clicks to do so. You won't have to fight with Docker to get hardware acceleration working - which isn't to say it won't be a PITA, but it's one less layer of complication.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago

I'm interested in this too. I have unreleased music that I've made and it somehow generates reasonable similarities to other music in my library. It can't be simply pulling the info from the net since the artist name I'm using isn't out there anywhere. Some kind of spectral analysis maybe?

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago

Looks cool. My RPi 1 is still rolling along running Pi Hole, but if I need to replace it, something like this running off PoE would be very tidy.


It's extremely time-, storage-, and compute-expensive to generate images for an entire library before-hand. In my case it's doing all this work for tons of content that I might not even watch again.
I guess the idea is that there's no delay in the images being available as soon as the programme is started?
I'm not sure the trade-off is worth it.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 42 points 3 months ago

A $3 Million Crypto Wallet... A $2 Million Crypto Wallet... A $5.5 Million Crypto Wallet...
(This joke probably doesn't work anymore, but I still think it's funny.)

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

I'm not using disk encryption. It's a desktop and if it's every stolen I've got bigger problems.
Also, I presume that disk encryption makes it so you can't just pop the drive in an adapter and pull stuff off it, which I sometimes need to do with old, retired drives.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 33 points 3 months ago

Rats. Leaving TPM off in the BIOS is how I've been avoiding it nagging me to upgrade from 10.

[-] AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 35 points 4 months ago

Interesting. As much as I'm a Foobar2000 fan, it's not open source. Looks like I'll be giving Winamp another spin soon.


I'm running a new installation of the server and LibreELEC (this worked fine on my previous installs, but I decided to fix what ain't broke).
I'm casting over the LAN from the server on Debian to LibreElec on a Rraspberry Pi.
The problem I'm encountering now is that LibreElec will hang and show a spinner for anywhere from 15 seconds to several minutes when advancing to the next track of an album or music playlist. It only breaks when I'm casting, not when I'm playing locally through the Player. It only breaks for FLAC files, not Mp3s, so transcoding seems to have something to do with it.
I've disabled playback of transcoded audio in the user's settings and restarted the server, but it didn't change anything.

Where should I be looking to figure this out?


I've noticed that some of the game day bots for baseball communities post with a "bot account" flag, but when creating an account I don't see a checkbox anywhere or anything.

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