[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

Don't lump anarchists with way too online MLs.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago

Ngl, i'm just going to assume you are a neo-lib who is going to back away from those other symbols as soon as you see a homeless person just walking down the street. As an ND Queer who grew up in OK and now lives in a liberal area, it's all the same shit. I've seen plenty of American flags being waved next to pride flags and shit but these same people will call the cops cause someone looks "fishy" in their neighborhood (and the fishy is being Black, but hey why do any introspective about your role in the racist system). I've never seen anyone who flies the American flag that didn't come from someplace of privilege that will say "BLM!" or "Love is Love!" and then turn around and say "Maybe some conservatives have a point" or whatever.

Just letting you know, if you fly an American flag regardless of whatever else, a lot of different marginalized people are going to side-eye you and not trust you. You can't "take back" something that is embedded in the very fabric of the creation of this country (hate, bigotry, fascism) without societal changes to the basic foundations of this country.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

yep, honestly i'd prefer to handle the issue of America not being where it needs in a more...direct way (like having cocktails on the boss's lawn), however, the people are not there yet and we need to continue to organize and open people's understanding of how they are being played. Thrown that out as a suggestion as something that might work as of right now. Though I will say, it is nice to be reminded that there are people I can be a little bit more open to the whole "our political system is illegitimate" (and that's the nicest way anyone can put it). Been organizing in a local issue and have to walk around big scary words like "fascism" and "socialism" like i'm playing minesweeper, that i forget that some spaces it's not necessary.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

This implies that I consider the Republicans any short of type of legitimate. The only thing I care to do with the nazi party is to treat them as nazi's should be treated. While the younger generation would probably agree with me, we are not quite where we need to be with that. So if i'm talking about anything in regards to handling politics in any way that isn't a riot, i'm going to be referring to Democrats...who the vast majority are also not legitimate but many people are not ready to hear that yet, so I offer the suggestion I have at the time. I do agree with you mostly. I would greatly like to burn it all to the ground and build something better, but until the people are there, i'm going to suggest things that might work in our current climate while suggesting people organize and work on opening people's understanding on the fact that our institutions only exist to serve the ruling class. Let's just say I wait for the day that we can have cocktails at these people's houses.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 182 points 1 year ago

are we ready to admit that Joe Rogan is basically just a right wing podcaster now or are we going to continue this stupid dance of "no he's just a centrist telling it like it is"

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 20 points 1 year ago

I think we really need to start shoving the noses of Democrats on how much China is beating our ass in just about everything in regard to infrastructure and going green. Pride is about the only thing i can think of that might make the Dems do something other than the barest of bare minimums on these things and point out how the supposedly "bad" country is doing better then us might get people to think. idk anything to challenge American Exceptionalism

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

We need a whole host of public transit options that are best suited for each circumstance of a given area. I want public transit so smooth that even if you tried getting lost you end up where you wanted to go with no clue on how it happened. (last bit is an over exaggeration since i don't know how feasible that actually is lol)

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

Np! And I'm going to say something controversial to my fellow vegetarians and vegans. Giving up meat can be very very hard depending on your personal circumstances. I grew up 30 minutes away from any groceries in cow country. I'm also autistic with mild food issues. It's taken me a long time, work, and circumstances changes (i live in a nice vegetarian friendly city now) to get where i am now. I think the "do or you are a utter failure" that is rampant in anti meat spheres is honestly to its harm. Instead of encouraging everyone to do their best while we fight for better systematic changes, there is scorn and fingerwagging if someone isn't perfect.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 10 points 1 year ago

I'm going to piggyback off of this too since i havn't seen it mentioned as much, cows need a LOT of water. They are literally walking bathtubs (the average cow stomach is the size of a tub, i have a bachelor's in animal science and actually have seen in one ><) and this is why it baffles me when someone talks about the water need for plants or things like almond milk. It's not even comparable as far as efficiency is concerned, and honestly, plant producers have actually worked to be better at water conservation since it's important to them, but most cow production doesn't even consider it into the equation.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 7 points 1 year ago

well lab grown meat has just recently been approved for sell. So that's a major thing. But there are a lot of plant protein resources. I'm vegetarian so I eat eggs and some milk. (I actually prefer almond milk, most of my milk consumption probably comes from why protein powder cause I can't afford the plant protein powders for weight lifting). Now as someone who actually studied nutrition in college, the confusion comes from the fact that people don't factor amino acids. As my teacher said "You don't have a protein requirement, you have an amino acid requirement" once you look at it in this way, there are ways around this that we can do, but there are shortcomings as of right now (especially socio-economic) if you cut out eggs. However, it would be pretty easy to add the missing nutrients in other foods the issue comes from good ol classic capitalism issues of "efficiency and money" shit.

Honestly, some of the biggest problems we face is just a matter of focus and funding in research. There are a lot of solutions and it's honestly amazing how far we've come despite special interest groups (oil, farming trusts, etc) have worked to stunt the growth of things, so you just have to imagine what ecological, vegan, etc tech could do if it hand the same funding and backing as these other sectors. I honestly can't wait.

[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

My changing climate has a very good video on this just last week actually that goes over everything including the shortcomings of veganism and the actual nuance in it. ( I say this as a vegetarian, but let me tell you, growing up in cow country SE Oklahoma, an hour from a walmart with groceries, I know it's not as simple as some people claim it is. but i'm getting off-topic)


[-] Athena5898@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

actually, a lot of them do think climate change is unstoppable in some way shape and form, I know cause i get told that almost every day. There are people doing it in these comments right now.

Also, I read the article, he is not ignoring the issue here, and honestly, i think this is directed at the leaders too. Who do you think is spreading this gloom and doom in the first place? Who benefits from people giving up and we just live in a worst world when there is much we can do to fight? The fossil fuel-backed "leadership".

There are plenty of ways to fight, you just can't do it alone. No one can fight climate change alone. Our individualism has warped our brains so that we cannot even fathom what to do at first when we ourselves cannot fix a problem by ourselves. Another outcome of hegemony and our corrupt society.

only through building community and threatening the power structure can we effectively fight for real change. "leadership" (aka people with power who are all corrupt to a certain extent) will do nothing if they do not have a legitimate fear of the people, and that will not come without community building and throwing off the shackles of individualism.

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