
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 5 points 5 hours ago

PP was all in with Trump and fElon, also… Until shit started going down in the US. He’s a traitor.

[–] 34 points 9 hours ago (6 children)

She wants to take your health care, and turn it into profit share, and split it up with P-Pierre, and that ain’t fuckin right. She’s turned into a MAGA hag, she’s turned against our Maple Flag, vote against this traitor slag.

[–] 4 points 12 hours ago

I don’t think Ford backed down. He said he would retaliate…then Trump changed his threat (backed down). Seriously, we don’t want a full on tariff war. Just because the Canadian government isn't broadcasting: “WE JUST GOT A DEAL WITH BLAH, BLAH, BLAH”, “WE NOW ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH JOE BLOW!”, “WE ARE THE BEST!!!” This doesn’t mean we aren’t working on separating from the US, and working on other trade deals. Mark Carney is experienced and skilled in global economics. (He advised the UK against brexit). I am a firm believer in education and experience. Elbows Up! But don’t be too quick to invite a trade war.

[–] 7 points 12 hours ago

The whole point of Trump threatening scariffs is a mind game to wear down Canada’s resolve. That won’t happen. He doesn’t need us? Apparently he does. He wants our water, and he wants our natural resources. Danielle Smith is obviously a traitor. So is PP. He’s just changed his rhetoric to garner votes.

[–] 18 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Boomer here. I was part of the “take it to the streets” movement in the 60s. (And don’t let anyone tell you that protesting doesn’t work). We organized without social media, we were fearless, and we were focused. We NEVER expected anyone to use their influence to help. Don’t throw your anger onto others for what you are not willing to do. Something else we had going for us…musicians. We had musicians that wrote the most amazing anti-establishment songs. They were like a call to arms. Where are the poets and musicians?

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

So… do nothing? Get on the same page and play along? Big change will have to happen to fix it? Arbitrary violence? The people are supposed to be the government. They are supposed to have the right to protest when the government is not acting in their best interests. If peacefully protesting creates violence, I suggest that violence comes from the government—not the people.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago

PP is distancing himself from Trump?? OK. He really just changes with the political wind. He has no convictions, ideologies, or principles that he’s willing to stand behind. He just spouts whatever he thinks will garner him votes. Canadians! Get out and vote on April 28th! We need an experienced and steady Captain at the helm for the rough waters ahead. VOTE CARNEY, VOTE CARNEY, VOTE CARNEY

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Well, when you are as happy and content as Finland, there is no dark.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

They just don’t want to pay people to empty the bins. Defunding. DEFUNDING!

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

You are 100% correct.

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