How do you define what a Nazi is?
Are you part of the Canadian parliament, per chance?
How do you define what a Nazi is?
Are you part of the Canadian parliament, per chance?
Also, it wasn’t just ‘prison’. Each of them was a concentration camp for politically it otherwise unsound elements
"It wasn't a prison! It was [definition of prison]"
You people are children
They will indeed remove comments for misinformation
Bidens policies were a lot worse than "not literally perfect"
Apparently it's "trolling" to think that continuation of Bidens genocidal policy in Gaza isn't "pretty damn good"
I think you've misunderstood me because I agree with you 100% on that. Though I would argue that that IS left vs right.
Well good. Luck with that, but my experience trying to get changes through on Wikipedia is that it just takes one person with an agenda to stubbornly go "nuh-uh" and there nothing you can do about it
When you get your politics from Marvel movies