Elden Ring, to get my new character DLC ready.
for wallpapers
you might have to do https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Command-line_shell#Changing_your_default_shell after every update. Maybe put it in a shell script and make .bashrc execute it, so that it switches your default to fish, after it has been reset to bash. This script could also be used to reinstall fish after the update.
How would Gandalf wear his shirt. Over or under his normal clothing?
Gute Idee müsste ich demnächst auch mal machen.
I would sort according to it's relevance/value to it's genre as well as the redundancy of the information contained.
Im am just considering getting some
This is the path he will have to walk
Wait until you find out your cat is a fur wearing asshole.
Mein Zug heute Morgen war pünktlich. Danke für deine Arbeit.
Not in order: Dark Souls 1 Dark Souls 3 Elden Ring Witcher 3 Undertale Baldurs Gate 3 NieR: Automata Skyrim Hollow Knight Minecraft
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