He's a billionaire. Id be surprised if he said otherwise.
When someone shows me they're a terrible, ignorant person I act accordingly.
His perspective on the world went too deeply against mine. I couldn't take the hypocrisy anymore.
Yeah that's a good point. As a kid I felt like when I bought a game it'd at least be complete, but there were plenty of terrible games back then too.
"It took one unarmed black lady not moving on a bus to be a nexus."
According to the state that was being threatened. Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were just as important as MLK and Rosa Parks, and that's not mentioning how white washed MLKs legacy has become.
Technology, specifically short form social media content, has got to be the biggest driver here.
Sounds like he's living his best life to me.
The fact that teachers need to beg for pencils is disgraceful. Teachers should get paid more and not have to pay for their supplies.
At my college you could basically tell your teacher you're depressed and get a passing grade regardless of your work.
New games are steaming piles of shit most of the time nowadays.
LGBT will exist as long as humans exist.
A million will get you a home in just about any city. Whether it's a really nice one or not is the question.