That one verifiably happened after the wright brothers though?
I really like the sentiment behind that warning. Especially the last line.
I picked the game up and enjoyed it. Then learned you could install mods, installed the cryptid mod and its like crack but somehow more addictive.I know there is no challenge in Cryprid but seeing numbers higher than the atoms in the universe is very fun
He's amazing I support him on patreon and I have never watched a video of his that I didn't love. His art is just my perfect cup of tea.
When a scientific paper has one of those titles I assume it is bullshit until proven otherwise. I can not trust a paper that does not even trust itself to stand on its own merits.
I think part of it has to do with how a lot of people listen to music now. I don't listen to albums I find one or two songs I like from an artist and and them to a playlist. I am lucky to find an artist where I like more than 50% of their music.
You can rip them from tidal too. not going to link the service because I'm unsure of .worlds feelings on it but it is not hard to find.
I have all of his books in physical format. Would recommend.
Im seeing roughly 90kg for males little under or a little over depending on source.
The more recent ones I have seen fail to walk the fine line of being a parody but still in world taking things somewhat seriously.
In all fairness thats how it is in the manwha too. I reread the whole thing recently and forgot how fast it goes post season one.
but no one is stupid enough to buy these ones lmao.