25+ "Journey Together" Cards Revealed, Some Cards to Be Cut from English Set - PokeBeach
It's incredibly jarring to have the burden of knowledge while others revel in their own ignorance. As a minority and a former Marine, I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in my fellow Americans.
I argue mostly everyone here never had a real banana. No, the ones in the stores aren't the original flavor.
Whatever happened to those fine individuals who said "Rather be a Russian than a Democrat?" Wish they were the ones that are leaving.
A not so sweet reminder that the US had concentration camps, one of them being the infamous Manzanar camp in California that housed Japanese-American citizens as their property were seized and sold to the public. Not too long ago, eh?
The revolution will be televised; behind a paywall.
Politicians gain their power from The People. It is alarming as an American that nearly half the country actually wants this to happen because "the other side is getting hurt" without recognizing that they too will suffer alongside the people they are told to dislike.
What was that infamous quote from POTUS LBJ again? "Convince the poorest white that he's better than the richest black so you can pick his pockets clean [paraphrasing]"