Sorry, what's the point here?
"Somebody else once killed a UN worker so anyone can kill as many as they like"?
Sorry, what's the point here?
"Somebody else once killed a UN worker so anyone can kill as many as they like"?
This take is pretty gross. People are allowed to have families, and those families should be safe.
Oh gosh, an occupied country wants independence, this has never happened before.
While this is an interesting article, I feel like in the current state of twitter Alt right accounts are promoted whatever you like. When I was on it I followed feminist type pages, local news, some left wing comedians, I was still frequently offered Andrew Tate and the like.
Awful woman
My local nextdoor has an issue with non white people in vans. Like normal builders eating their lunch and Sharon down the road is posting "Anyone know why this man is here? Stayed there for 45 minutes, very suspicious, might be stealing dogs".
Of fucking course it is!!
So does anything happen from this or are we just pointing out the obvious?
Why are you doing 7 hours of homework as an adult?
Rockets are cool, they go to the moon, there's not really a fun use of the word 'bomb'
Not really talking about brutality, although that varies from place to place, but more the occupying garrison for the ruling class comments. Police structure vary from country to country.
Also Scotland yard is a building, it doesn't do anything.
Oh right, so you're trying to defend an ongoing genocide? Great work.
Your 'point' made no sense.