Actually the die mart was my very closest convenience store. Nice guy from Nepal was always behind the counter. Homeless guy would sleep behind the trash cans on the side. Once, he overdosed at the bus stop across the street. Although, the signs lights were out before this happened, maybe there's more to the name than we realize...
There used to be this person i would see all over town. By town, I mean large city. I would see them in parks and even in friends apt complex parking lots. The last time, my friends saw them too, so i know i wasnt just crazy. They would be dressed, head to toe, like a white, or maybe light blue, bird. They would wear a one piece leotard, that covered thier hair / head and feet, and had feathered wings and maybe shoulders and head? Distinctly a bird, though. They would be like meditating, with thier arms outstretched up toward the sky, perfectly still. It started freaking me out cause I'd see them so much, just standing there, like a statue. Did I have a stalker? Was a bird person cult? Was it an art project? I had all these questions. I felt mildly harassed by this.
The show world can get super competitive. If you end up with a prize animal, you can bring home a good amount of money from auction.
Not to mention, for some, its very personal due to the time invested. These kids can put sometimes up to a year, if not more, into raising an animal for a show. They feed them special and care for them in very serious ways, to make them look perfect for a show. It's like beauty pagent moms, but with kid brains.
One time, we all got hauled out to someone's farm, for ag class, to watch pigs get castrated. A student was handling all the procedures until they got to the the likely prize show pig another student owned. The teachers husband took over and preformed the procedure. That likely prize pig, and only that pig, died that day. Rumor had it, that he purposefully botched the procedure so his own kid could win.
Im just sitting here wondering why this is making the rounds, except for this girl got caught. This is the par for the course and happens more often than one would think.
Maybe a moka pot?
Not guilty by way of self defense?
You do have a point. At this juncture, I think, anything is possible. Really, non of it ads up. Half is fake and the other half is mystery. There is definitely still a large leap from his actions to this ideaology.
The future vice president of America is close with the leaders of the neoreactionary movement. I suppose, I wonder if a positive public opinion would make it easier for them to mobilize.
Edit: ending up with support from both sides of the isle.
I want this bumper sticker!