We most certainly don't in Australia
That would be the Djinn
End of the day music is a mode of communication. It's not a medium for consumption but a conversation. If you don't have that then you're just going to end up with bad music and no innovation.
Could really go for some soma right now
Yeah patriarchy is a system and it poisons us all. Never stop being open to being vulnerable. It's just unfortunate that some view it as weakness.
Banned chemicals dieldrin, DDE detected in bodies of magpies
Coincidental, this came up on my feed today.
It's why I would argue that it's a duty of care not to distribute as it spreads hate and hurt in the community and workplace. Probably wouldn't fly in the US though.
I do an Isopropyl bath then a quick brush with a tooth brush. Makes it grind like new.
What the hell do folk have against elephants!!!
Oh boy do I have a book for you all. Elephants on Acid So they took acid then gave the elephant acid. When it freaked out they electrocuted it.
We have some truly terrible trade agreements.